Development of geographic information system “Agricultural waste treatment in the Odessa oblast”

Authors: Rolshchikov V.B., Binkovska G.V., Shanina T.P.

Year: 2015

Issue: 19

Pages: 230-236


Increasing agricultural production contributes to the rise in amount of wastes being both the result of residue formation under crop harvesting and the co-product of keeping farm animals. In order to use the mentioned wastes for obtaining alternative fuel through anaerobic digestion in biogas plants, it is necessary to estimate the volume of generated organic waste and to plan a biogas production in farms within various districts of the Odessa oblast. The main factor for elaboration of a logical system meeting the formulated requirements is the necessity to systematize the initial and calculated data and to obtain the calculation results. The paper aims at development of a cross-platform geographic information system, which makes it possible to perform systematization of the statistical data, calculation of the agricultural waste amount formed in various districts of the Odessa oblast; regulation of the received data and their visualization as a graphic content. A geographic information system, which contains the following structural elements, has been developed:
1) an interactive contoured map for the districts of the Odessa oblast; 2) a database containing both cartographic and attributive information on the biogas resources in the districts of the Odessa oblast; 3) a GIS application to process and visualize the geodatabase on the computer display.
GIS as a technology, which combines a database function, a spatial analysis and a high-grade visualization, can be used for numerous problems ranging from the initial data analysis to forecasting the outcomes of the specific environmental impact methods.                                                                                                                              Visualization of the results of data analysis as a graphical content provides an opportunity for the end user to evaluate the obtained information in a visual way, to plan the current activities or make a decision on the generation of further development strategy with regard to resource management.

Tags: biogas; geographic information system; organic waste


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