The problem of medical waste classification and treatment in Ukraine

Authors: T. Safranov, T. Shanina, T. Panchenko

Year: 2015

Issue: 19

Pages: 6-11


The main goal of this research is medical waste, scientific classification and their treatment in Ukraine. The results based on analyses of different types of classification. The new classification had been done according of three categories. There are waste from veterinary clinics; human waste of medical institutions and municipal waste. Waste from veterinary clinics is specific category because contains specific microbes, toxins animal and vegetable origin. The municipal waste also consists on all types of medical waste except of nuclear and located on the dumping place. The danger medical waste must be separate and isolated from the general part of municipal waste and subjected to recycling. The principles of treatment: removal, destruction, disposal after disinfection, industrial processing had been proposed depends on ecological situation and component compounds. This classification is key element of the management system of medical waste.

Tags: classification; environment; medical waste; waste composition; waste management


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