Authors: O.Yu. Khetselius
Year: 2015
Issue: 19
Pages: 148-154
We present the elements for a new, precise theoretical approach to the description of hyperfine and weak interactions in heavy Fermi systems, which is based on the new combined-formalism of relativistic nuclear and QED perturbation theory with precise taking into account the radiation and correlation effects. There шы e presented the estimates of the nuclear spin dependent contributions into the parity non-conservation amplitude of the transitions, in particular, due to an anapole moment of the nucleus. The obtained results are compared with the data of nuclear shell and other models. The new nuclear QED TV made payment of contributions at PNC amplitude EPNC, independent of the nuclear spin, particularly related to the interaction through the exchange of Z bosons, due to nuclear axial vector (AnVe) shock, the combined effect of the hyperfine interaction and spin –independent Z sd exchange interaction caused by the vector (VnAe) currents of nucleons, and finally, the main source – anapole moment of the nucleus (~ ka). A comparison with alternative data obtained on the basis of MBPT-DF theory (Johnson – Safronova), in the framework of the nuclear shell model Flambaum-Murray and Haxton et al, as well as evaluating DF Bouchiat-Piketty.
Tags: electroweak interaction; nuclear QED perturbation theory; the effect of parity violation
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