Features of circulating atmospheric processes over the northern region of Pacific Ocean

Authors: E.A. Galich, B.A. Bondarenko

Year: 2015

Issue: 19

Pages: 55-62


Introduction. Studies in the field of climate changes of the Earth and its regions are one of the main priorities for Earth science in recent years. Among numerous works on the “global warming” subject, the direction, in which close attention is paid to the study of mechanisms and causes of dynamics of quasistationary atmosphere action centers and atmospheric circulation indices, is recently formed.
Results. In the paper the features of the statistical structure of surface atmospheric pressure fields in the Northern Pacific are described for the period of 1957-2014. The seasonal dynamics of atmospheric activity centers such as Aleutian Depression and Honolulu High are studied. For systems of baric centers in the Pacific Ocean development of its characteristics in natural orthogonal functions are carried out. The principal components of the fields of atmospheric surface pressure are obtained and their statistical analysis is conducted. Using the Fourier transform method, statistically significant hidden periodicities are revealed in the time series of the principal components. By means of smoothing of time series of the principal components, long-term fluctuations and trends are determined.

Tags: centers of action; main components; periodicity; structur epressure fields


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