Authors: Yu.Ya. Bunyakova
Year: 2015
Issue: 19
Pages: 36-40
An improved theoretical scheme for sensing temporal and spatial structure of the chemical pollution substances in the forested watersheds is theoretically investigated and applied to an analysis and modelling the concentrations of phosphates and nitrates. The effects of stochasticity and chaotic features in the chemical pollution structure of the watersheds are discovered on the basis of the correlation dimension approach to empirical time series data. As the concrete example, there are studied a dynamics of the daily values of the concentrations of phosphates and nitrates, water flows (forested watershed Maleno, Small Carpathians, Slovakia) in 1991/1992 years and the relationship between the correlation dimension and embedding dimension is computed. The finite correlation dimensions obtained for the two series indicate that they all exhibit chaotic behaviour. The presence of the deterministic chaos elements at each of the two studied scales suggests that the dynamics of transformation of the chemical pollution component between these scales may also exhibit chaotic behaviour. This, in turn, may imply the applicability (or suitability) of a chaotic approach for transformation of the the pollution component data from one scale to another. Thus, for hydroecological systems it can be principally possible a scenario of so-called automodelity.
Tags: chaos; chemical pollution substances; concentrations of phosphates and nitrates; correlation dimension; forested watersheds; stochastic elements
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