Contemporary hydrochemical regime of Tyligulskiy Liman

Authors: Yu. S. Tuchkovenko, Yu. I. Bogatova, O. A. Tuchkovenko

Year: 2015

Issue: 19

Pages: 126-133


The characteristics of the contemporary hydrochemical regime of Tyligulskiy Liman are presented on the basis of field observations (2002-2015) data analysis. Compared with the early 1980s, the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in the liman has significantly decreased, while that of mineral phosphorus has increased. The natural balance between mineral compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus in the liman’s waters has been significantly disturbed in favour of phosphorus. This is a typical feature of the contemporary hydrochemical regime of the liman. Currently, the primary production of organic matter in the liman is constrained by relatively low concentrations of mineral nitrogen. The low delivery capacity of the “liman-sea” artificial connecting canal and its mode of operation have resulted in the accumulation of mineral and organic phosphorus compounds in the liman over the years. Significant supply of nutrient compounds and organic matter has accumulated in the sediments of the liman. It is concluded that an increase in the influx of either marine or river water into the estuary could favour an increase of organic matter concentrations in ecosystem. However, with an increase of the connecting canal delivery capacity, nutrients will not only enter the liman and accumulate in it but also propagate from the liman into the sea as a result of differently directed water exchange under the influence of fluctuating water levels in the liman and the sea, caused by wind.

Tags: hydrochemical regime; north-western Black Sea region; Tyligulskiy Liman


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