Authors: Bozhko L.Y., Drumov D.V.
Year: 2015
Issue: 19
Pages: 63-68
A research aim are an exposure and analysis of terms that influence on adjusting of quantity of prattle moth on east of Ukraine, where the quantity of him grows the last years. For the achievement of this aim it was necessary to decide such tasks:: to study de-scription of climatic features of territory of расселения of prattle moth; to give environmentalist biological description of terms of development of wrecker; determination factors that influence on a quantity and distribution of wrecker. Meadow butterfly is one of the most dangerous pests of vegetables, tilled crops, perennial grasses and pastures. His strength is changing dramatically as in some years and for some generations. Depending on the area of climate and weather conditions this year meadow moth has from 1 to 4 different generations and uneven pace of development in various fields.This paper describes the study of the influence of agro meteorological conditions on the development of meadow butterfly populations in Eastern regions of Ukraine.
Tags: agro meteorological conditions; butterfly meadow; precipitation; rate of moisture; temperature
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