Authors: A.V. Glushkov
Year: 2015
Issue: 19
Pages: 142-147
We propose a new serial, single quantum-mechanical approach to the problem of quasi-stationary states, including both the Stark effect and the scattering problem at all. The approach allows the calculation of complex energy resonances and is particularly useful in the study of the spectral region near the boundary of the new continuum. We have developed a method of describing quasi-stationary states, in principle, devoid of all the shortcomings of the existing quantum-mechanical methods for solving the problem based on the Stark and operator formalism of perturbation theory. Its essence – the inclusion of a well-known in the theory of scattering “distorted waves” approach within the formal precision of perturbation theory. The proposed new method can be used to explore the resonances of any nature. Currently it is used by us to the study of resonances of the compound – nucleus formed by the collision of heavy ions. Unlike other approaches, it allows to calculate not only the function of the scattering states, but also to determine the function of the state with complex energy plus a full complement of functions orthogonal scattering.
Tags: energy and resonance widths; operator formalism of perturbation theory; the Stark effect
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