Authors: G.P. Ivus, E.V. Ahayar, L.M. Hurska, S.O. Zubkovych
Year: 2015
Issue: 19
Pages: 41-48
Introduction. In the conditions of modern climate change, interest to study of tendencies shaping of future wind regime and its extremal manifestations, and also use of wind energetic possibilities instead of the traditional, already limited stocks of oil, gas and coal, makes priority forecast of the future state of atmosphere.
The purpose of this publication is a study of the dynamics change of circulation processes over the territory of Ukraine using typification of synoptic situations over the specified region during the period 1992-2012.
Methods. As the starting materials used catalog types of synoptic processes over the territory of Ukraine for the period from 1992 to 2012 for the central months of the season, and the calendar of elementary circulation mechanisms (ECM) Dzerdzeevskogo B.L. For specification synoptic situations were also used weather maps of all levels.
Results. The structure of the macrocirculation conditions typical for Ukraine, including the regional characteristics of synoptic processes that lead, in conjunction with local physiographic conditions, to the establishment of the wind regime, reduced to six basic types and 17 subtypes. This includes: peripheral atmospheric processes, cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation, weakly gradient fields of pressure, peripheral atmospheric processes connected with passage of atmospheric fronts and cyclonic circulation with great pressure gradient. The authors analyze the changes of the circulation conditions for various seasons , as well as their connection with the types of ECM.
Conclusion. Conducted analysis of dynamics synoptic processes over the territory of Ukraine and the ECM for a twenty-year period allows you to: identify the most possible atmospheric processes, that form the weather conditions in Ukraine in recent decades; determined processes and types responsible for the observed intensification of wind speed and increasing the intensity of extreme weather events associated with the wind.
Directions for further research should include the following. Supposed to illustrate the relationship of synoptic processes and types of ECM over Ukraine with different indexes of circulation, such as A.L. Katz, the Arctic oscillation (AO), the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO), and others, during the study period.
Tags: elementary circulation mechanisms (ECM); synoptic processes; the criteria of similarity; typing the atmospheric circulation
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