Authors: Tsurkan, N.V.
Year: 2015
Issue: 19
Pages: 23-29
Foreign experience of classification and preservation of especially valuable lands has been analysed. It has been offered to distribute agricultural lands by five value categories of these lands: ‘the first principal’ category includes the best agricultural lands according to item 1 a of Article 150 of the Ukrainian Land Code; ‘the second principal’ contains unique agricultural lands and the lands of experimental fields of scientific research and educational institutions; ‘the first additional’ includes valuable agricultural lands within the country; ‘the second additional’ comprises agricultural lands of local significance; and ‘additional’ consists of lands that are not appropriate for agricultural production. Withdrawal (or redemption) of the first three land categories is possible either in accordance with the resolution of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers or by the decision of the corresponding local council on condition that the issue about withdrawal (or redemption ) comes to and agreement with the Supreme Rada of Ukraine. Withdrawal (resolution ) of lands of the last two categories is possible according to the resolution of the Regional Land Resources Management Agency. On the example of the Izmail natural-agricultural region, the soils distribution of lands of agricultural designation is conducted by value categories.
Tags: category; classification; highly productive lands; natural-agricultural region; valuable soils
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