Hydrometeorological factors and characteristics spring flood in basin of the Southern Bug in current climatic conditions

Authors: Zh.R. Shakirzanova, A.O. Kazakova

Year: 2015

Issue: 19

Pages: 100-106


Introduction. In today’s climate change and observed changes in the water regime of rivers, including the spring flood runoff. An important role in the formation of runoff during spring flood play of factors an underlying surface and climate in basin of the Southern Bug.
Purpose. The aim is analyze hydrometeorological conditions of formation of spring flood in basin of the Southern Bug and research of trends to modern climate changes and their impact on the characteristics of maximum flow spring flood of the rivers on study area.
Methods. The paper used the methods of theoretical analysis, geographic aggregation, statistical processing of time series of hydrometeorological observations.
Results. Established that long-term course of hydrometeorological factors and characteristics of the runoff spring flood points to cyclical fluctuations in their expressed decreasing trend (except temperature) over the past decade.
Conclusion. Trends of time course of hidrometeorological factors and characteristics of spring flood in river basin of the Southern Bug should be refined with further accumulation of observational data in today’s climate change and water regime.

Tags: hydrometeorological factors; spring flood; trends change time series


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