Hydrodynamic characteristics of gas-liquid systems formed by dispersing the air by means of a glass filter Schott №4

Authors: V.O. Ilyina, V.V. Kostik, Y.G. Chernyakova

Year: 2015

Issue: 19

Pages: 176-181


On the basis of experimental studies and theoretical curves selected, we developed a method that allows to determine the basic hydrodynamic characteristics of gas-liquid systems produced by forcing air through a porous glass filter elements with an air flow of 1.0·10-3 – 1.0·10-1 sm3/(sm2 s) and a different height of the water layer above the bubble generator. Analysis of variance system prepared with distilled water from the purified surfactant (surfactant), found that close to normal size distribution of the bubbles have a fairly wide range of equivalent diameter of 608 microns. Designed collective speed and flow regimes of air bubbles, pop in the transition region changes Reynolds numbers (1 <Re <100). The proposed method of estimating the hydrodynamic characteristics of gas-liquid systems will be useful in the study of physical and chemical laws of flotation extraction of particles using a surfactant, and the results are used to determine the hydrodynamic field bubble, the parameters of which often depends on the efficiency of the flotation nonchemical water purification from suspended particles.

Tags: gas-liquid system; hydrodynamics; the collective rate of floating; the volume-fraction of bubbles


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