Authors: V.V. Adobovskiy, E.B. Krasnodembskiy
Year: 2015
Issue: 19
Pages: 134-141
Introduction. The overview is composed on the base of materials that was received as result of regular stationary hydrometeorological and expedition oceanographic observations at sea coastal zone executed in 2013 and 2014.
Purpose. Hydrometeorological situation in the sea coastal zone has tendency for significant changes due to the climate processes. The aim of this work is to estimate the changes at the last two years. Methods. In the article used results of observations of hydrometeorological characteristics received by standard methods during observations at the sea coastal zone.
Results. At 2013 span of sea level variability was 80 cm. Year average sea level was 487 cm, that isn’t differ from average value for 2003 – 2012 (486 cm). Year average sea level at 2014 was 484 cm. Range of daily average value variation was 67 cm. Water warming-up at May-June also water cooling at September-October was occurred more intensive at 2013 than 2014. Average values of water temperature at 2013 and the average value for 2003-2012 was almost equally – accordingly 12,4ºC and 12,5ºC.At summer season of 2014 water warming-up in the sea coastal zone was so intensive, that average water temperature exceeded similar value at 2013 for 4,5ºC and average long-term value for 2,5ºC.Frequency of storm waving at 2014 was the most for the last 15 years. If year average storm waving frequency at 2003 – 2012 was10 %, at 2013 it was 9,6 %, at 2014 it was 15,8 %.
Conclusion. Climatic conditions and characteristics of the main elements of hydrometeorological regime in the sea coastal zone at 2013 for some exeptions was close to the medium level for the last ten years. At 2014 was the deep warming-up of water, increasing of wind activity, large amount of rainfall loss for the short term that caused significant floods.
Tags: nearshore area; Odesa region; precipitation; salinity; sea level; stream; swell; temperature
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