Substantiation of scientific and methodological basis for determining the time of the slope inflow

Authors: E. D. Gopchenko, Yе. O. Harkavenko

Year: 2015

Issue: 19

Pages: 76-82


Introduction. The article discusses the scientific and methodological approaches related to the problem of normalization of the design characteristics of maximum spring flood runoff in the basin of the Seversky Donets River, using the structure of the formula based on the geometric model of the spring flood hydrograph and riverbed isochrones.
Purpose. The subject of research is maximum runoff of spring flood in Severski Donets river basin. The task intention consist in substantiation normative-calculation base and on its ground to accomplish a spatial generalization of data of maximum runoff of rivers in Severski Donets river basin. Methods. For calculation of characteristics of maximum runoff of spring flood have suggested a great deal of calculation schemas and formulas. At present-day stage it classify for two group. First group it is empirical and semiempirical methods. Second group is methods that base on theory of channel isochronal. At present day we used regulations on calculation of characteristics of maximum runoff of spring flood on territory Ukraine in particular SNiP 2.01.14-83, refer to first group. The authors have proposed the computational scheme, it which is based on the geometric model of the spring flood hydrograph and riverbed isochrones. Results. The methods have been realize as exemplified in supervisions over maximum runoff of spring flood in Severski Donets river basin. Propose structure design formulas have been distinguish from that she is universal.
Conclusion. The methods have been lead to the level of direct practical use instead of obsolete regulations SNiP 2.01.14-83.

Tags: maximum runoff; riverbed isochrones; spring tide; the geometric model


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