Authors: N. Berlinsky
Year: 2015
Issue: 19
Pages: 18-22
The formation of conditions of aquatic ecosystem in the Black Sea shelf including the level of pollutant in the bottom sediments had been examined during the last 30 years. Comparison of current data with the data of the late 20th century and their variability has been performed. In addition to this negative phenomenon a lot of contaminations and pollutant are taking out by river run off into the sea. In the process of sedimentation suspended matter into the bottom sediments is accumulated. It worsens the negative condition of the benthos organisms. It is the reason to see this problem using data base and possible literature to analyze the intensity, accumulation and distribution pollutants: heavy metals, oil in the Black sea shelf. In the Nothwestern Black Sea shelf significant increasing, by two orders, of copper, lead, and nickel concentrations in the bottom sediments compared with 80-ths in a period of 1991 – 2013 had been marked.
Tags: anthropogenic euthrophication; bottom sediments; pollutant; The Black Sea shelf
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