Year: 2009 / Issue: 07

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  1. Title Page
  2. Serbov N.G. A multi-factor systems stochastic approach to modelling a dynamics of a system “phitoplankton-zooplankton-fish”
  3. Andrianov A., Kovalchuk T., Malinovsky E., Nedostup O., Bezlutskaya I., Chebotarskaya I., Antonovich V. On the marine environment pollution in the North Black Sea ports
  4. Sokolov Y., Plotnitskiy L, Stryuk T., Dyakov O. Using constructed wetland for reducing nutrient pollution of water bodies
  5. S. Urasov, V. Kuzmina Recommendations upon settlement of MPU groups of unconservative contaminants with the effect of common action
  6. Kostik V.V., Andrianov A.M. Flotation сleaning of galvanicflow from Zinc with the use of carboxyl-сontaining collectors
  7. Kindyuk B.V., Kindyuk K. Environment protection and public-legal agreements in the forest industry
  8. A. Voloshina Ecological aspects of problem of ship’s ballast water
  9. Solyanikova E.P. Studying temporal sets of concentrations of the pollution substances (sulphates) in water basins of Small Carpathian
  10. Rozmarina A. Problems for the development of ecological insurance
  11. Kibkalo V. Some aspects of reformation of system of the taxation of nature protection activity in Ukraine
  12. Polevoy A. Modelling diffusion of resistance on the way of molecules CO2 to the green leaf
  13. Korban V.Kh., Degtyaryeva L.N., Korban S.N. Measuring velocity and rotating direction of a cyclonic eddy by means of meteorological radiolocation stations with a circular polarization antenna
  14. Naumov M.M. Complete dependence of biological time on photosynthesis and breath of plants
  15. Bozko L.E., Barsukova E.A. Estimation of agroclimatic terms of forming productivity of vegetable cultures in Ukraine
  16. Sviderskaya S.M. Modeling of influencing of agrometeorological terms on forming productivity of potato and development of population Colorado beetle in Polesje
  17. Kirnasovskaya N.V. Agroclimatic estimation of the general biological efficiency of a climate in territory of the central Ukraine for cultivation of corn
  18. D. Velmiskin Model of development of the difficult radiometeorological system on all stages of its using
  19. Hrushevsky O., Pshenichny V. Potential supplies of moisture of soil as mechanism of forming of mezoscale atmospheric processes above north coast of the Black sea
  20. Kazakov А.L., Ivanova Е.V., Sakhnenko O.I. The interactive model of the atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers
  21. Gopchenko E.D., Pogorelova M.P., Goptsiy M.V. Method of computation of maximal flow of spring flood in pool of Prip’yat
  22. Loboda N.S., Otchenash N.D. Influence of water use of population on water resources of Ukraine under global climatic changes
  23. Gopchenko E., Ovcharuk V., Ben Salim Fuad Farag Salem Generalization of the characteristics of calculation depth of spring flood runoff of the rivers of Podolsk height
  24. Glushkov A.V., Serbov N.G., Balan A.K. , Lukash T.V. A multi-factor systems and multi-fractal approaches in modelling the annual runoff (the Danube river)
  25. Kolesnik A.V., Jurasov S.N. Improvement of a technique of a complex estimation of quality of superficial waters on corresponding categories
  26. Suhovey V.F., Ruban I.G. The structure of Antarctic Circumpolar Current at Drake Passage and interannual variability of its transport
  27. Dotsenko S.A., Podplotna N.F., Savin P.T. Hydrological regime and modern oil pollution of the sea coastal area near Odessa
  28. Ilushin V. Hydraulic model of a run-up process in the mouth area of a river
  29. Glushkov A.V., Kruglyak Yu. A. Quasiparticle energy functional for finite temperatures and effective bose-condensate dynamics: Theory and applications
  30. Khetselius O.Yu. New numerical approximation of correction due to the vacuum polarization by nuleus field in the Coulomb systems
  31. Dubrovskaya Yu.V. New numerical approach to calculation of the Fermi function
  32. Vitavetskaya L.A., Chernyakova Yu.G., Ignatenko A.V., Mischenko E.V., Mudraya N.V., Serga E.N. Generalized conservative differences scheme for task of propagating laser pulse in a non-linear medium
  33. Loboda A.V., Serbov N.G., Svinarenko A.A., Perelygina T.B. Dynamics of multi-layers neural networks on basis of photon echo: numerical realization with input noised pulse


Authors: Serbov N.G.
Pages: 7-11
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Authors: Andrianov A., Kovalchuk T., Malinovsky E., Nedostup O., Bezlutskaya I., Chebotarskaya I., Antonovich V.
Pages: 12-19
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Authors: Sokolov Y., Plotnitskiy L, Stryuk T., Dyakov O.
Pages: 20-25
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Authors: S. Urasov, V. Kuzmina
Pages: 26-30
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Authors: Kostik V.V., Andrianov A.M.
Pages: 31-37
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Authors: Kindyuk B.V., Kindyuk K.
Pages: 38-41
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Authors: A. Voloshina
Pages: 42-48
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Authors: Solyanikova E.P.
Pages: 49-54
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Authors: Rozmarina A.
Pages: 55-62
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Authors: Kibkalo V.
Pages: 63-68
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Authors: Polevoy A.
Pages: 69-76
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Authors: Korban V.Kh., Degtyaryeva L.N., Korban S.N.
Pages: 77-90
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Authors: Naumov M.M.
Pages: 91-100
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Authors: Bozko L.E., Barsukova E.A.
Pages: 101-109
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Authors: Sviderskaya S.M.
Pages: 110-119
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Authors: Kirnasovskaya N.V.
Pages: 120-132
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Authors: D. Velmiskin
Pages: 133-139
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Authors: Hrushevsky O., Pshenichny V.
Pages: 140-146
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Authors: Kazakov А.L., Ivanova Е.V., Sakhnenko O.I.
Pages: 147-159
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Authors: Gopchenko E.D., Pogorelova M.P., Goptsiy M.V.
Pages: 160-169
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Authors: Loboda N.S., Otchenash N.D.
Pages: 170-175
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Authors: Gopchenko E., Ovcharuk V., Ben Salim Fuad Farag Salem
Pages: 176-185
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Authors: Glushkov A.V., Serbov N.G., Balan A.K. , Lukash T.V.
Pages: 186-191
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Authors: Kolesnik A.V., Jurasov S.N.
Pages: 192-202
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Authors: Suhovey V.F., Ruban I.G.
Pages: 203-209
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Authors: Dotsenko S.A., Podplotna N.F., Savin P.T.
Pages: 210-216
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Authors: Ilushin V.
Pages: 217-223
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Authors: Glushkov A.V., Kruglyak Yu. A.
Pages: 224-228
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Authors: Khetselius O.Yu.
Pages: 229-235
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Authors: Dubrovskaya Yu.V.
Pages: 236-240
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Authors: Vitavetskaya L.A., Chernyakova Yu.G., Ignatenko A.V., Mischenko E.V., Mudraya N.V., Serga E.N.
Pages: 241-245
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Authors: Loboda A.V., Serbov N.G., Svinarenko A.A., Perelygina T.B.
Pages: 246-249
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