It is developed a stochastic model to description of dynamics of the spatial-temporal plankton structures and fish streams, which are eaten by plankton, within a new approach to modelling water-bioresources systems combining the multi-factor systems approach, stochastic differential equations and multi-fractal formalism.
In result of chemical-analytical research it has been established that content of normalized componentstoxicants in water some of Black Sea ports is not higher than their maximum permissible concentration but corresponding ground sediments are highly polluted by cadmium, lead, phenols and oil products.
A problem of nutrient pollution of water bodies, especially small ones, linked with direct impact of the nutrients at the whole water ecosystem, was studied. The past and modern worldwide experience in the field of using constructed wetlands for effluent treatment and water bodies’ rehabilitation was analyzed. Main types of such constructions were defined and their purification efficiency was assessed.
In the article the new method of calculation of MPU is offered to the groups of unconservative contaminants with the effect of common action. A sequence is resulted the implementations of calculations, given recommendations on verification of their rightness, an example is resulted. A method allows to expect MPU to the group of unconservative contaminants at any set of contaminants of this group in a background and in sewages, and also at any correlation of values of their concentration.
Collectоr properties of saponified offcuts of fish industry, soaps of liquid and saponified peat beeswax, in the complement of which enter also carboxyl-containing surfactants, are investigated. The basic technological parameters of flotation of Zinc are got. Nature of influence of concentration of Zinc and temperature of sewer water on the process of flotation is set. Supposition is outspoken about the mechanism of flotation of Zinc with the use of collectors which probed here.
The questions of environment protection , the rights and duties of the leaseholders regulated by the Forest Code 2006 are considered in this article. The analysis of historical experience of this and other forms of public-legal agreements is done. The suggestions are made how to use the concession relations in the forest industry as more effective from the protection of natural resources of Ukraine point of view.
The problem of discharge of ship’s ballast water is presented. Conception of biological invasion of exotic kinds in Black Sea ecosystem is expounded, the in-use mechanisms of prevention of negative influence of ship’s ballast on a marine environment are indicated. The analysis of efficiency of complex of management a ship ballast in Odessa port is conducted. Introduction of obligatory control of salinity of ballast water is offered with the purpose of control of implementation of requirement about replacement of ship’s ballast at sea by ship administration.
Methods of non-linear stochastic analysis and chaos theory are applied to studying stochastic aspects and manifestation of the chaos elements in the temporal sets of the pollution substances (sulphates) concentrations in water basins of Small Carpathian.
The author examines a question of essence and functions of ecological insurance; analyse problems and perspective for the development of a Ukrainian insurance market. The methods of activation of ecological insurance and the mechanism for its effecting are proposed.
The author analyzes the staff and state of the tax in Ukraine; suggests the main directions to improve and simplify the payment of taxes to the budget. The author elucidates questions of preparing the Tax Code of Ukraine as a systematized legislative act committed to ensure a complex approach toward solving the urgent problems of tax law.
Consecutive resistance to molecules CO2 on a way of diffusion to a green leaf is considered. As the major regulator of process of diffusion the stomatol device of a leaf is considered which resistance is caused by factors of an environment.
The possibility of measuring radio-location descriptions of a tropical typhoon by means of a meteorological radio-locator with a double-threaded Archimedean spiral antenna and circular polarization is given consideration in the paper. It is shown that a progressing wave emitted by the antenna moves on the same spiral that an aquatic particle in a typhoon does. It allows not only to detect the beginning of a typhoon genesis, to continuously get radio-location information on the trends in its progress and movement data but also measure the speed of rotation of the typhoon spiral.
In work, on the basis of the analysis of a logistical curve of growth of plants communication between processes of current of biological time and gas exchange of plants is given. It is considered, that gas exchange of plants depends on set of factors of an environment. The numerical experiments, giving concrete values of communication of photosynthesis, breath and an axis of biological time are lead
With a help of the mathematical modeling a difference in the optimal values of FAR sums, air temperatures and damping characteristics for different vegetable cultures on agroclimatic areas of Ukraine are set. Complex estimation of agroclimatic recourses at growing of vegetable cultures and estimation of agroecological categories of yield productivity of egg-plants, cabbages, cucumbers, sweet peppers and tomatoes are made.
The results of numeral experiments as evaluated by influencing of droughty, moist and middle of long standing terms on development of population Colorado beetle and forming of productivity of potato as it applies to the terms of the Chernigov region. In the basis of numeral experiments the model of forming of productivity of potato and development of population Colorado beetle at different agrometeorological terms.
The model of the system that develops, its stages of development are offered.
By the one-dimensional model of the interacting atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers the spacio-temporal changes of the main meteorological and hydrological magnitudes, and also of the turbulent coefficient were reproduced for a year. The qualitative and quantitative analyze of the calculative results was made, with comparing with the fact data, which includes the visual analyze of the spacio-temporal sections and the analyze of the received statistical characters, reflecting the agreement between the fact and calculative magnitudes. Thanks to the long integral period the annual behaviors of the air and water temperature, the wind speed, the turbulent coefficient, the depth of the turbulent oceanic layer, the sea disturbance and the heat balance equation components were built.
In the article more perfect normative base upon the settlement of maximal flow on the example of pool Prip’yat is given.
Influence of water use of population on water resources of Ukraine under global climatic changes was evaluated by water-heat balance method and stochastic model of annual runoff.
The scientific – methodical recommendations concerning spatial generalization of the characteristics of spring flood runoff on an example of the rivers of a Podolsk height are given.
It is carried out numerical modelling fluctuate temporal trends for annual runoff (r. Danube) within a new method of description for the hydrological systems. The latter is based on the combining multi-factor systems approach and multi-fractal formalism. It is discovered the phenomenon of genesis of the fractal dimensions.
The advanced technique of a complex estimation of quality of superficial waters on corresponding categories is offered. As a result of carrying out of the comparative analysis of results of a complex estimation of quality of waters of Vinnitsa area on a condition for 2006 by the operating and advanced techniques lacks standard and advantages of the offered technique of an estimation of quality of superficial waters are found out and allocated.
The article is dedicated to the study of horizontal and vertical structure and interannual variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at Drake Passage. According to the analyses of the archives data and numerous calculations the average volume transport through Drake Passage is 112 Sv, maximum 160.2 Sv, minimum 73.2 Sv. Besides that the slow permanent increase volume transport in twentieth century is shown.
The article presents levels of oil pollution of the sea area near Odessa conducted during years 2005–2007. These results are comparing with levels of the sea oil pollution in years 1988-1999. Seasonal changes of the oil pollution considered with season variables of hydrological parameters. The study showed the major role of dynamical factors of seawaters in the space area distribution of oil pollution of seawaters and bottom sediments.
The hydraulic model of the run-up phenomenon in the mouth area of a river is suggested in the research which makes it possible to get over the difficulty related to the “zero speed surface” and to consider delevelling and water surface slopes in a mouth area in the course of a three-phase run-up process.
It is considered a theory of the quasiparticle energy functional under non-zeroth temperatures τ and some its applications. A thermodynamical potential for multielectron system in external stationary field for given τ is defined by dynamics of effective Bose-condensate in atoms of physical space of electrons. Structure of this space is defined by the cell system of surfaces of zeroth flux for entropy pulse under availability of the zeroth current of the bose-condensate density.
It is proposed a new approach to calculating а correction due to the vacuum polarization by nucleus field in the Coulomb systems, including heavy and superheavy finite fermi-systems. New approach is naturally included to а general formalism of QED perturbation theory with using gauge-invariant basises of relativistic bi-spinors in the zeroth order.
It is proposed a new approach to calculating the Fermi function in beta decay theory, which bases on the QED perturbation theory with using gauge-invariant basises of relativistic functions.
It is proposed a generalized conservative differences scheme for task of propagating a laser pulse in a nonlinear medium.
A dynamics of the multi-layers neural networks on the basis of photon echo is studied. The results of the computer experiments for networks with input noised pulse are presented.