Year: 2011 / Issue: 11

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  1. Title Page
  2. Сафранов Т.А., Катеруша Е.В. Особенности талассотерапии в прибрежной зоне Одесской области
  3. Сафранов Т.А., Гусева Е.Д., Полищук А.А., Гольцов В.И., Шанина Т.П., Бояринцев Е.Л. Качество источника централизованного водоснабжения Одесской промышленно-городской агломерации
  4. Кориневская В.Ю., Шанина Т.П. Отходы городских систем как потенциальный ресурс и источник загрязнения окружающей природной среды
  5. Сапко О.Ю. Оценка современного состояния пляжей Одессы
  6. Курьянова С.А., Боровская К.К. Анализ экологического состояния вод украинской части речки Дунай
  7. Юрасов С.Н., Бевз-Бирон Е.А. Методика расчета распространения тяжелой примеси в воздушном потоке
  8. Struk T. Kartal Lake in the system of Western group of Danube’s lakes and its description
  9. Kovalev V. G., Getman E. L. Problems and prospects of economy development in marine natural management
  10. Gubanova E.R. Estimation of adequacy of instruments of domestic mechanism of the ecological adjusting to the market conditions of management
  11. Kovalev V. G., Rekish A.O. Economical peculiarities of forming the programme of nature conservative activity to provide the balance of a socio-economical-environmental system
  12. Кolontay S., Sokolovskaya V. Drawing investments to environmental protection activity of territories naturally commandment to the fund of the Odessa area
  13. Zhavnerchik O. Identification of the system characteristics of economic-ecological transformation
  14. Leonova S.V., Nikipelova O.M. The analysis of foreign law in a resort area with a view to elaboration of criteria for natural areas resorts of Ukraine
  15. Mnogodetnaya О.А. An analysis of effectiveness of economic instruments in nature protection activity
  16. Kholoptsev A., Nikiforova M. Mathematical model of North Atlantic oscillation index interannual changes in the period 1972 – 2008 yrs.
  17. Shkolniy Е.P., Burgaz А.A. Intercommunications of parameters of geomagnetical activity with circulation processes in the western sector of south hemisphere
  18. Glushkov A.V., Serga E.N. Renorm-group approach to studying a turbulence spectrum in general dynamics of atmosphere
  19. Danova T., Prokofev O. Correlation between the surface air temperature at the Antarctic’s stations and warm (cold) by the Southern Oscillation episodes.
  20. Gopchenko E.D., Ovcharuk V.A., Kichuk N.S. Calculation descriptions of rain floods on territory of south of Ukraine.
  21. Serbov N.G., Sukharev D.E., Balan A.K., Dudinov A.A. Modelling the extreme hydrological floods and temporal fluctuations of the pollution substances concentrations in a river water
  22. Loboda N.S., Pilipjuk V.V. Dynamics of a chemical compound of water along the river Vorskla that estimation of its quality.
  23. Bogatova Yu.I. Mineral and organic substances in pore solutions of the bottom sediments of Odessa region of the northwestern part of the Black Sea
  24. Gerasymov O.I. A new class of rigorous solutions of the functional differential equation of motion for the mechanical impulses in the 1D nonhomogeneus granular chain A new rigorous solution of the functional differential equation for signal propagation through the vertical granular
  25. Ganin E.V., Gorlichenko M.G., Vasileva M.G., Shevchenko S.V. Supramolecular complexes of crown-ethers with fluorinecomplexes acids of zirconium, hafnium, niobium and tantalum.
  26. Kruglyak Yu.A., Glushkov A.V., Kruglyak N.E. Band structure of MgO in the GGA-PBE+U approach.
  27. Goriev S. ]nterpolation and decimation of digital multivariate signal.
  28. Limonov A. S., Pustovit T.M. Group time delay measurement of coaxial cables and dispersional delay lines.
  29. Lavrinenko A.V., Lavrinenko Y.V., Chernenko D.S. Choosing Numerical Methods For Modeling Photonic Crystal Waveguides H.
  30. Bubnov I.V., Haliliva-Chuvaeva U.A. Political implications of the influence of the information technologies for the development of innovative qualities of the person


Authors: Сафранов Т.А., Катеруша Е.В.
Pages: 5-16
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Authors: Сафранов Т.А., Гусева Е.Д., Полищук А.А., Гольцов В.И., Шанина Т.П., Бояринцев Е.Л.
Pages: 17-26
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Authors: Кориневская В.Ю., Шанина Т.П.
Pages: 27-34
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Authors: Сапко О.Ю.
Pages: 35-39
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Authors: Курьянова С.А., Боровская К.К.
Pages: 40-45
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Authors: Юрасов С.Н., Бевз-Бирон Е.А.
Pages: 46-55
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Authors: Struk T.
Pages: 56-61
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Authors: Kovalev V. G., Getman E. L.
Pages: 62-72
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Authors: Gubanova E.R.
Pages: 73-81
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Authors: Kovalev V. G., Rekish A.O.
Pages: 82-89
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Authors: Кolontay S., Sokolovskaya V.
Pages: 90-95
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Authors: Zhavnerchik O.
Pages: 96-104
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Authors: Leonova S.V., Nikipelova O.M.
Pages: 105-112
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Authors: Mnogodetnaya О.А.
Pages: 113-123
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Authors: Kholoptsev A., Nikiforova M.
Pages: 124-133
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Authors: Shkolniy Е.P., Burgaz А.A.
Pages: 134-142
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Authors: Glushkov A.V., Serga E.N.
Pages: 143-148
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Authors: Danova T., Prokofev O.
Pages: 149-160
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Authors: Gopchenko E.D., Ovcharuk V.A., Kichuk N.S.
Pages: 161-171
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Authors: Serbov N.G., Sukharev D.E., Balan A.K., Dudinov A.A.
Pages: 172-177
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Authors: Loboda N.S., Pilipjuk V.V.
Pages: 178-189
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Authors: Bogatova Yu.I.
Pages: 190-197
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Authors: Gerasymov O.I.
Pages: 198-202
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Authors: Ganin E.V., Gorlichenko M.G., Vasileva M.G., Shevchenko S.V.
Pages: 203-209
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Authors: Kruglyak Yu.A., Glushkov A.V., Kruglyak N.E.
Pages: 210-218
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Authors: Goriev S.
Pages: 219-227
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Authors: Limonov A. S., Pustovit T.M.
Pages: 228-233
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Authors: Lavrinenko A.V., Lavrinenko Y.V., Chernenko D.S.
Pages: 234-241
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Authors: Bubnov I.V., Haliliva-Chuvaeva U.A.
Pages: 242-249
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