It is carried out numerical modelling characteristics extreme hydrological events, extremely high floods (on the Danube river example) and fluctuation temporal trends of changing nitrates concentrations in 14 catchments in 5 regions of the Small Carpathians on the basis of the new approach combining the multi-factor systems approach and multi-fractal formalism. It is discovered the phenomenon of genesis of the fractal dimensions.
The processes of mineral nitrogen compounds transformation are rewieved with considering of complex wastewater composition, that are entered in treatment plant, and parallel passing of nitrification and denitrification reactions. The analysis and quantitative estimation of this processes in B-Dnestrovskyy’s treatment plant are taken.
In the article the estimation and groupings administrative areas of the Chernigov Region on wood recreation activity of the population and sanitary – ecological condition of woods are carried out. On the basis of comparison of the given parameters the directions of optimization of wood recreation are outlined.
The basic ecological and hygienical aspects of problems appearing in the process of mineral fertilizers’ and corn’s shifting in Ukrainian seaports are exposed. The variants of technical and technological means and organization’s measures are offered to decrease degree of pollutants’ influence on environment.
Methods of non-linear stochastic analysis and chaos theory are applied to studying stochastic aspects and manifestation of the chaos elements in the temporal sets of the pollution substances (nitrates) concentrations in water basins of Small Carpathian.
For to provide stable and ecologically safe development of the economy of Ukraine, the systematic approach is necessary. This approach should be based on analysis and research in economic-ecological system, the development of which should reflect and be based on the strategy of the state innovative policy.
The complex verbal dynamic model of functioning of production enterprise is presented as basis for raising the task of dynamic optimization of the synchronic planning by a production, investment–innovative and financial activity of industrial enterprise.
The results of many years’ experimental supervisions of the hydrometeorological mode of the irrigated fields of vegetable cultures are analyzed. Influencing of irrigation on a temperature condition and mode of consumption of moisture is appraised by the plants.
The results of complex analysis of the atmospheric conditions in periods of strong floods on Danube are considered. The well-known numeric characteristics and method of a synoptic analysis were used for description of atmospheric processes of different spatial and temporal scale, which lead to strong rainfalls in Danube’s region. These characteristics can be used in operative practice of prognoses.
The basic features of statistical structure of the fields of the 500 gPa izobaric surfaces in the Western sector of the South hemisphere are exposed. The main components of these fields are received. Shown features of time changeability of large-scale component of circulation processes in the atmosphere in the second half of the ХХ century. Procedure of filtration of time series of main components have realized. The certain statistically components in the time series of main components have hidden.
Method allows to indentify correlation between atmospheric fronts and blocking. This approach is based on joint use of the blocking, HIX humidity index and componential analysis results.
The characteristics of temporal variability of current velocity and turbidity in Bystry branch has given. The quantitative estimation of short-term water runoff redistribution caused by wind denivellations has given for the first time. Recommendations concerning improvement of the received hydrological information has been developed.
In article results (with the use of 2007 ) of verification of the model, which was offered by authors, of the watersalt regime of Kitay Lake, are given.
A scientifically-methodical base is examined for setting of norms of descriptions of maximal river flow, which leans against structural equalization of by volume type.
Conditions of formation of Verxnyaya Kolima rivers low flow in different genetic periods are considered. Components of the ground inflow into rivers in area of ever frost for different links of hydrographic network are separated.
Formula for calculation of channel travel speeds during the seldom recurrence rain flood period in the north European area of Russia was developed. The basis this of equation is the dependence between the channel travel speeds, square of columbine and river slope. Numerical values of empirical hydraulic parameters of this formula are proved by observation data from 216 hydrometric stations.
A calculation scheme is offered for establishment of dates of beginning and passing the maximal charges (levels) of spring flood on the basins of flat territory of Ukraine by the receipt of complex connections of these dates with a geographical latitude and sizes of the basins.
In the article the mathematical model of permanent turbulent diffusion of hanging matter up comfortable for implementation of calculations on the personal computers in the tabular editor of Excel is offered. A model is developed at the flat (for vertical lines and horizontal lines) and spatial raising of task. Recommendations for implementation of engineering calculations, and also formulas, are resulted for verification of rightness of these calculations.
The work presents an analysis of the monthly oceanographic surveys performed during the period of 1996-98 on the Polygon, situated near the west coast of Mexico. Based on the results of these surveys, monthly average temperature and salinity profiles were calculated. There was noticed that the profiles for summer-fall period of the 1997 and for the winter period of 1998, were very different from the same period profiles for the year 1996. It was caused by the transfer of huge amounts of water with higher temperature and lower salinity, and with T,S characteristics of the Pacific Tropical Surface Water and Pacific Equatorial Surface Water into the Polygon area. By the January 1998, these water masses had filled the whole 80m layer. An increase of 150m heat storage from 10.1 to 15.3 GJ/m^2, in comparison to its January 1996 level, was also registered. The processes that caused temperature anomalies (SST) in B region of the Pacific Ocean (4°N-4°S; 90°W-150°W), were one month ahead of the processes of temperature increase and salinity lowering.
The quantitative estimation of the impact from three large scale interannual atmosphere-ocean circulation systems, namely the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), El-Nino South Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), to spatial-temporal variability of air surface temperature (AST) and surface pressure (SP) in the Mediterranean-Black sea region has been obtained. It was confirmed that the spatial-temporal variability of the first two empirical modes of AST and SP during the autumn-winter season is affected by the NAO. The ENSO is mainly pronounced in the second AST EOF mode in July-August and November-December. The joint influence of all three oscillations is most remarkable during January-February. During those months the NAO, ENSO and IOD contribute about 60% in the total temperature dispersion and more than 40% in the total pressure dispersion.
Using recent oceanographic database, monthly and annual geostrophic Gulf Stream transports for 1950 – 2004 have been calculated and analysed. Positive linear trend (significant at 90-95% confidence level) of average monthly charges of Gulf Stream is received. It is manifested in trend of annual transport too (increasing of annual transport is 13 Sv for indicated period). The statistical forecast of Gulf Stream transport for 2005-2015 has been done. It is predicted that the Gulf Stream transport will decrease between 2005 and- 2015 by ~7 Sv.
The statistical method of the estimation sea-bottom deformation is offered. Integral estimation of the budget is given according to results erosion of bottom and alluviums precipitating. The areas of most intensive accumulation in marine channel, the critical communicating depths are exposed and appraised.
Using information which were presented by visual satellite data’s, which consist mid twenty four hours thermal fields of surface waters of Black Sea, we have formed monthly water circulation diagram and give analyses of its annual variables. Exposed vorticial structure of total cyclonical water circulation, using seasonal removal of the flow RС (Rim Current) we have defined total scale of vorticial structure, and sometimes we even defined volume of its horizontal removal and capable of living time. We have found general slope limit among dynamical structure of western and eastern parts of the sea.
The dynamics of signal transmission through the 1D chain of beads with quasielastic contacts has been studied numerically. The influence of initial conditions and structure organization on the nonlinear dispersion has been outlined. We discuss the influence of the internal ordering on the type of possible nonlinear dispersion of a lattice excitations.
It is proposed a generalized carbon global cycle model, allowing to reproduce a season dynamics of carbon cycle in an ocean with account for the zone ocean structure, a dependence of the СО2 transfer through the atmosphere-ocean boundary upon temperature of the water and air, wind velocity, and also the buffer mechanism of the СО2 dissolution and biotical activity contribution.
It is proposed a new approach to calculating а correction due to the vacuum polarization by nucleus field in the Coulomb systems, including heavy and superheavy finite fermi-systems. New approach is naturally included to а general formalism of QED perturbation theory with using gauge-invariant basises of relativistic bi-spinors in the zeroth order.
A dynamics of the multi-layers neural networks on the basis of photon echo is studied. The results of the computer experiments on dynamics of neural networks with input rectangular pulse are presented.