The article analyzes the current system of environmental taxation of economic activity in Ukraine associated with its impact on natural environment. Today’s relevance of environmental taxation and low effectiveness of this tool in regulating the level of environmental safety in Ukraine force to use experience of developed countries, especially of the European Union, where such taxes are implemented in more effective manner. Analysis of foreign experience of applying environmental taxes and charges shows a significant diversity of their types and therefore different effects that can be achieved after their use. It is important to consider this fact when improving environmental taxation in Ukraine. Introduction of a specific type of environmental tax requires detailed
consideration of experience of developed countries, the obtained results and comparing their experience to determine effectiveness and characteristics of a particular tax. The main difference between the national system of environmental taxation and the European one is that mechanisms of its implementation remain to be incomplete when addressing environmental problems and do not create any significant incentives for economic agents when it comes to nature-conservative measures. It is clear that a purely fiscal concept of the mechanism of collecting funds for exploitation of natural resources with ignoring regulatory, restrictive and stimulating functions does not
contribute to the efficient use of natural wealth. It is shown that the current environmental taxation system of Ukraine needs implementation of further reforms and development aimed at reducing negative impact of the national economy on the natural environment, reducing environmental capacity of gross domestic product, stimulating transition to sustainable development.
The energy system in Morocco is strongly dependent on external energy markets. Currently, Morocco imports more than 93% of energy. In 2009, the Moroccan Government has developed a National Energy Strategy containing ways to increase a generation of renewable energy in the country. This study aims to identify features of current wind regime in Morocco in order to assess the resources of wind energy.
The data on the wind speed from 25 meteorological stations in Morocco for the period 2005-2014 were used to calculate the values of annual mean wind speed and the frequency of different wind speeds. The comparison of annual mean wind speed for the periods 1980-1999 and 2005-2014 showed that the recent values have increased especially in 2011-2014.
Light wind prevails at most stations of Morocco. Nevertheless, moderate and fresh wind prevails near the Gibraltar Strait, the Atlantic coast and in the southern part of country. These stations are Tan-Tan and Dakhla located in the southern part of the Atlantic coast. At these stations, the frequency of wind speeds below 5 m/s is the 34% and 17% respectively. This allows concluding that the conditions for wind power plants are favorable in southern part of the Atlantic coast.
Identification and forecasting of jet streams within at low levels of the atmosphere is one of the challenging tasks of synoptic meteorology. The reason for such difficulties lies in diversity of physical mechanisms causing increased air flow speed in a narrow zone within the boundary layer of the atmosphere.
Specification of the type of macro- and mesoscale baric fields which contribute to formation of low jets can greatly facilitate development of forecasting techniques.
According to radiosonde data low jets in warm half-years of 2001-2010 were detected over two locations (Odessa and Simferopol). Once estimate of their structural parameters had been complete a prevailing wind direction at a stream core and a type of temperature stratification with a studied wind anomaly in place were determined.
Synoptic situations over the territory of south-western Ukraine taking into account the elementary circulation mechanisms proposed by B. L. Dzerdzeevsky, V. M. Kurganskaya and Z. M. Vitvitskaya.were standardized.
A catalogue bringing all the information about structure and conditions of formation of low streams together was developed and compiled.
Circulation processes of warm half-year over the regions in question were characterized as such that favour formation of low-level jet streams.
The most probable macroscale atmospheric processes and types of synoptic situations which create conditions for formation of the most intense low-tropospheric jets over the south-western part of Ukraine were singled out taking into consideration physical and geographical features of research locations.
The article analyzes the improved multifactor non-linear regression model with feedbacks and overdetermined expressions for coefficients of system of equations. It studies probable situations occurring when sampling of influencing factors takes place after selection process is complete. It also shows change of type of generating functions and expressions for determining the elements of matrixes and vectors of free terms required in order to get coefficients of feedbacks. The presented system of equations of non-linear regression model takes into account the influence of feedbacks between responses as independent term of equations. General significance of influencing factors and their powers is defined using Fisher’s test.
To determine connection between zones of intensive interaction of hydrometeorological characteristics of the North Atlantic and uniform regions of Eastern Europe the model was tested as a simulation one. To reveal zones of active interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean in the North Atlantic region and to determine the regions causing a significant impact on formation of peculiarities of climatic regimes in the regions of response, methods of cluster and component analysis were applied to influencing factors serving as characteristics of heat and moisture exchange in the near-surface layer and also characteristics of heat, moisture content and circulation properties of air at the 850 hPa and 700 hPa levels before including the latter in the model.
Main components of interactions of hydrometeorological characteristics were included into initial sets of samples of the model’s influencing factors and responses. Significant multiple correlation coefficients which characterize the degree of adequacy of the model prove the possibility of its practical use when solving similar problems.
Introduction. The article substantiates the methodological basis for the valuation of the design characteristics
of extremely high water discharges of spring flood and storm floods, which pose a great dangers for hydraulic
structures and their use in river basins, as well as settlements. During the construction of engineering
structures and their operation (bridges, flood protection dams and others) planners are orienting generally the
size and flood excess probability. Given the large number of proposed theoretical models for determination of
floods characteristics made they suitable for classification. To different categories include: a formula related to
the original model in the form of geometric shapes, method of riverbeds isochrones and the limit intensity formula.
Purpose. The authors of the theoretically justify a single structural basis for the full range of catchments areas
of rivers regardless of genetic types of floods. The difference concerns only the size of the watershed.
Methods. The scientific and methodological base is based on the use of the geometric structure of singlemodal
hydrographs of slope inflow and channel flow. In order to simplify the calculation scheme, hydrographs
are considered in an extended time format, starting with the maximum water discharge. This, in turn, facilitates
the spatiotemporal generalization of the characteristics of both the slope influx and the hydrographs of the
channel flow.
Results. The results of research related to improving the scientific and methodical base for the valuation of
the design characteristics of a maximum runoff of rain and spring floods are represented.
Given that the formulas of maximum runoff based on models of slope and riverbed hydrographs, it suggest
that there are need not only the riverbed data, but and data of slope influx. In this case, researchers have
trouble with determination of parameters such as the duration of the slope inflow and maximum modules of
Shown that formulas to calculate and regulation of maximum runoff characteristics can be obtained on the
basis of direct analysis of single-modal runoff hydrograph..
Conclusion. As a model authors are using the geometric schematization of single-modal hydrographs of
slope and channel runoff. The calculation method proposed by the authors, In contrast to the many known,
differs limited number of parameters and bringing it to the level of practical use.
Attention is drawn to the fact that the method has not limitations in terms of genetic types of flood, as well
as the size of the watershed.
Problem. The Western Bug is a cross-border river which makes it to be an interesting object for research. Dynamics of the state of the basin system is clearly observed through seasonal and perennial fluctuations of concentrations of components of river water’s salt composition. Therefore, the study of the current environmental state of geosystem is based on inves-tigating hydrochemical flow of substance.
Purpose. The purpose consists in establishment of hydro-chemical parameters of water resources’ quality and its changes in the Western Bug basin over 2011-2014.
Methods of research. Change of concentrations of chemical ingredients in the Western Bug water was determined via the method of comparison of water chemical composition at the river stations. Time dynamics is represented using graphical methods.
Basic results of research. Data of basic statistical characteristics were structured with regard to investigated chemical parameters of water across the stations, their spatial distribution along the Western Bug and its tributaries. The dynamics of the main hydro-chemical ingredients in the Western Bug over 2011-2014 was also analyzed. In particular, the time concentration changes of BOD5, COD, nitrates, nitrites, saline ammonia, sulfates, phosphates, chlorides were determined across the riverbed of the Western Bug. Conduction of comparative analysis of concentrations of components of salt composition of river water at the specified station also took place. Qualitative characteristics of runoff of chemical compounds in waters of the Western Bug from the territory of Ukraine were obtained. The influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the formation of chemical composition and quality of river water of the Western Bug basin were identified and investigated.
Conclusions. According to the hydrologic and ecological research during 2011-2014 the stations of Lviv region are characterized by considerable excess of pollutants’ content at when compared with established state standards. The reason for this phenomenon consist in ineffective operation of the system of sewage treatment facilities in Lviv region that needs modernization and implementation of new envi-ronmental technologies.
The article evaluates inputs of various natural and anthropogenic factors to the formation of water balance of Khadzhibeyskyi Liman under the present-day conditions. We discovered that in the latest decades, due to climate changes, annual deficiency in the liman’s natural water balancedoubled. In order to compensate this deficiency the liman should be replenished with water from anthropogenic sources, the most significant of which include discharge from the Pivnichna biological treatment plant and two drainage pump stations.
Study of anthropogenic factors’ impact on annual variability of the liman’s water level was carried out using a water balance model verified based on observations conducted in 2006-2010. Based on the modelling results it was found that in order to stabilize the liman’s water level and to prevent existence of long-term tendencies of its significant increase or decrease, it is expedient to discharge water from the Pivnichna biological treatment plant into the liman in May-September. During other months water can be discharged into adjacent water area of the Black Sea. In case no water discharge from anthropogenic sources is initiated but disposed into the sea instead, the yearly decline of the liman’s water level would be equal to 0.40 m on an average. Continual overthe-year water discharge from the Pivnichna biological treatment plant and other anthropogenic sources into the liman would ensure a yearly average water level rise of 0.2 m.
The article describes the quality of the aquatic environment of Khadzhibeyskyi Liman (one of the largest closed reservoirs of the north-western Black Sea region) based on the analysis of the results of hydrochemical studies conducted in July 2016. This is a valuable balneological, recreational and fishery reservoir whose southern part has been accepting sewage water from Odessa for over 100 years. According to hydrochemical indicators ecosystem of the southern part of the liman is characterized as eutrophic with a high level of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds caused by anthropogenic discharge from the Severnaya Biological Treatment Station. High concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (0.100 mgN·m-3), nitrites (0.102 mgN·dm-3) and maximum Liman’s concentration of nitrates (1.629 mgN·dm-3) were discovered in the surface layer near the functioning discharge of the Biological Treatment Station with high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (0.772 mgN·dm-3) and phosphates (0.457 mgP·dm-3) observed in the near-bottom layer.
During monitoring near-bottom hypoxia was recorded at the stations with a depth of 8–12 m. It developed after settling and decomposition of dead suspended organic matter (phytoplankton) under conditions of slow hydrodynamics. Maximum Liman’s concentrations of ammonium nitrogen, phosphates and silicon were observed in the Liman’s near-bottom layer at the stations with hypoxia.
Liman’s bottom sediments perform a cumulative function and determine the intensity of substance flows at the “water-bottom sediments” border, have influence on its hydrochemical regime. Concentrations of mineral and organic substances in bottom sediments’ pore water are several times higher than the ones in the Liman’s near-bottom layer, especially at the stations with hypoxia.
It is well known that one-dimensional (1D) models can be an effective tool for solving many problems in statistical mechanics. For instance a particular attention in such areas as chemical reactions, random walks and aggregation problems has been paid to the role of dimensionality. We study the effects of low dimensional constrains of model reactive systems. We present an exactly solvable model of fluctuational dynamics in bimoleculary reactive, partially filled, 1D perfect lattice. A rigorous expressions have been obtained for the probability distribution function, average numbers of particles, mean square fluctuations, configurational entropy and statistical sum. The previous data for Ising model of 1D nonreactive lattice gas adsorption have been completed by getting a rigorous expression for configurational statistical sum. We found that in the case of vacancied chemically reactive lattice, like in the case of exclusion statistics , distribution function has a chiral form, expressed in terms of Jacobi polynomials or Gauss confluent functions. It is shown that the nonlinearity of the reaction radically change the expected mean-field behavior. We show considered system is nonergodic with respect to chemical dynamics, and has a steady state, with a not a mean-field ratio of the average numbers of particles, which approached asymptotically. Obtained results also contrastly display coupling between microscopic processes and collective behavior as described by the macrovariables
The following topics are discussed in the frame of the «bottom – up» approach of modern nanoelectronics: a super-brief but hopefully self-containing introduction to the Hamiltonian matrix whose eigenvalues tell us the allowed energy levels in the channel. However, the Hamiltonian describes an isolated channel and we can not talk about the steady-state resistance of an isolated chan-nel without bringing in the contacts and the battery connected across it. Non-equilibrium Green’s functions method in matrix presentation was initially formulated and applied to model transport problems for 1D and 2D conductors using a nearest neighbor orthogonal tight-binding model in the frame of the «bottom – up» approach of modern nanoelectronics. General method to account for electric contacts in Schrödinger equation to solve electron quantum transport problems is given. There are also discussed the elastic and spin dephasing modeling, account for non-coherent processes using Buttiker probe, 1D conductor with two and more scatterers, quantum interference, strong and weak localization, potential drop across scatterers, quantum oscillations in NEGF method without dephasing and with its account under phase and impulse relaxation regimes, destructive and constructive interference effects, four-component description of spin transport with account for dephasing and ending with discussion of quantum nature of classics including spin coherence and pseudo-spin formalism.
General issues of electronic conductivity and the causes for the current flow, role of electro-chemical potentials, Fermi functions, and Fermi window for conduction are discussed, as well as there given detailed description of the Landauer elastic resistor model, different transport regimes from ballistic to diffusion and in between, conductivity modes, and transmission coefficient in the frame of the «bottom – up» approach of modern nanoelectronics. Generalized model of electron transport in the linear response regime developed by R. Landauer, S. Datta, and M. Lundstrom with application to the resistors of any dimension, any size and arbitrary dispersion working in ballistic, quasi-ballistic or diffusion regime is summerized.
In summary, the Landauer equation for the conductivity describes the electron transport in the conductor from the very general positions. The conductivity is proportional to the fundamental constants q and h, which determine the quantum of conductance, associated with contacts. The conductivity depends on the number of modes of conductance and transmission coefficient, representing the probability that an electron with energy E injected by one contact to reach another contact. Conductivity we finally find by integrating the contributions from all modes of conduction. The equations valid for 1D, 2D and 3D conductors for ballistic nanoreactors as well as for massive conductors.