Current water balance of Khadzhibeyskyi liman

Authors: Tuchkovenko Yu.S., Kozlov M.O.

Year: 2017

Issue: 21

Pages: 66-77


The article evaluates inputs of various natural and anthropogenic factors to the formation of water balance of Khadzhibeyskyi Liman under the present-day conditions. We discovered that in the latest decades, due to climate changes, annual deficiency in the liman’s natural water balancedoubled. In order to compensate this deficiency the liman should be replenished with water from anthropogenic sources, the most significant of which include discharge from the Pivnichna biological treatment plant and two drainage pump stations.

Study of anthropogenic factors’ impact on annual variability of the liman’s water level was carried out using a water balance model verified based on observations conducted in 2006-2010. Based on the modelling results it was found that in order to stabilize the liman’s water level and to prevent existence of long-term tendencies of its significant increase or decrease, it is expedient to discharge water from the Pivnichna biological treatment plant into the liman in May-September. During other months water can be discharged into adjacent water area of the Black Sea. In case no water discharge from anthropogenic sources is initiated but disposed into the sea instead, the yearly decline of the liman’s water level would be equal to 0.40 m on an average. Continual overthe-year water discharge from the Pivnichna biological treatment plant and other anthropogenic sources into the liman would ensure a yearly average water level rise of 0.2 m.

Tags: Khadzhibeyskyi Liman; modelling; regulation; the Black Sea; water balance; water level; водный баланс; водный баланс; моделирование; моделирование; регулирование; регулирование; уровень воды; уровень воды; Хаджибейский лиман; Хаджибейский лиман; Черное море; Черное море


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