Processing of sludges after rectipt of biodiesel

Authors: Sofronkov А.N., Gavdzik A., Gorlichenko M.G., Shevchenko V.F., Kostik V.V., Vasileva M.G., Grib K.A.

Year: 2016

Issue: 20

Pages: 135-141


Biofuel production steadily grows all over the world. Therefore, for instance, according to the information of the German Biofuel Association (UFOP), biofuel production in Germany makes up 2·106 t/year (3% of the entire fuel market). Use of biofuel is profitable not only due to its low price, but also due to the fact that in the process of biofuel burning carbon dioxide (CO2) is released in the atmosphere in the amount, which plants acting as raw material for biofuel, consume from the air.
However, the residues left after biofuel production are being accumulated at present, thus constituting a real danger for the environment, therefore there exists an objective necessity for further processing and repeated use thereof. The research was conducted with the help of the chromatographic method, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray structure analysis and removal of polarization curves in an electrochemical reactor at different temperatures (298, 323, 343 К), for which reason infrared spectrometer «Specord», X-ray apparatuses УРС-6, УРС-50 and a potentiostat System-5000 were employed. Pt, Ni-Re, Ni were involved as catalyzers both smooth and spread on coal. It was demonstrated that the developed methodology of electrooxidation of residues formed during biodiesel production, involving catalyzers, spread on coal basis, allows to better oxidate the residues formed while biodiesel production and to receive products of electrooxidation that can be used in the industry (accelerants of organic synthesis, ingredients of lotions, emulsifiers, creams for tan).
The conducted research demonstrated prevailing value of d-characteristic surfaces while selecting active catalyzers used while oxidating different substances.


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