Analisis of mathematical models of structure of precipitation and reflection of radiowaves therefrom

Authors: Vel'myskyn D.Y., Pustovit T.M., Diachenco E.A., Buchynskaya I.V.

Year: 2016

Issue: 20

Pages: 142-149


The article deals with the issues of safety of aviation flights under special meteorological conditions which include flights within the areas associated with thunderstorm activity, heavy rainfall, increased electrical activity of the atmosphere etc. This raises the task of providing aviation flights with maximum accurate and timely information from radar means of meteorological information. In order to solve this task we require the most appropriate mathematical models and structures of out-of-order models of radiowaves reflectivity.
The article deals with mathematical models of main characteristics of precipitation (shape, size, orientation). These characteristics, in their turn, determine main characteristics of reflected hydrometeors of radar signals. Backscattering of radar signals is determined by the effective surface of scattering. It shows that it is subject to Rayleigh approximation. Accuracy of approximation depends on size of particles and dielectric constant. Doppler and polarization measurements of particles moving relative to a meteorological radar set and causing a Doppler shift signal are studied. Doppler spectrums describe it through statistical aspects such as average backscattered power, average speed and dispersion. Polarimetric measurements are characterized by several parameters: horizontal reflectivity, differential reflectivity. The article theoretically justifies the use of polarization Doppler parameters of reflected radiowaves in order to perform a subtle analysis of microstructure of meteorological particles.

Tags: recognition; spectral analyzes statistical evidences; textures


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