Formation of scientific and methodological basis-balanced economy of environmental management in coastal areas in context of international experience

Authors: Pavlenko O.P.

Year: 2016

Issue: 20

Pages: 18-28


Introduction. Improvement of competitiveness of these regions is an important factor for their social and economic development and improvement of competitiveness as a whole. Coastal regions and some coastal areas play significant role for the economy of Ukraine. It has significant resource potential and competitive advantages due to its geographical location, natural, human, industrial and transport potential.
The purpose of this publication is to investigate approaches to economic and environmentally sustainable management of development of coastal regions based on formation of complex organizational and economic measures.
Results. The coastal areas are distinguished by a significant competitive advantage due to their geographical location, natural, human and industrial resources. Today the integrated maritime policy is necessary for Ukraine that has to implement territorial control of the sea.
Management of sustainable regional development as a social and economic category characterizes the connection and relationships of existing management and organizational structures ensuring interaction and coordination of elements within the social and economic system.
Inefficiency of using natural resources of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov is associated with problems of meeting the demands of Ukrainian citizens for fish and other sea products.
Conclusions. Increase of competitiveness of coastal regions implies the transfer to new innovative and organizational forms of development in the form of clusters – sectoral territorial voluntary informal associations of enterprises and organizations and in the form of development and implementation of regional strategies.
Directions for further research should include priorities for development of economic renewal of coastal management on the basis of results of diagnostics of regional development.

Tags: balanced economic and environmental management; coastal areas; regional features; sustainable development


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