Authors: Shurda K.E.
Year: 2016
Issue: 20
Pages: 29-39
Introduction. Ensuring economic growth and improving living standards are some of the most important problems of modern social and economical development of Ukraine and its regions. It is impossible to solve these problems without establishment of socially oriented economy and development of social sphere, including establishment of a tourism and recreational complex (TRC). This complex appears to be one of the factors having a significant impact on health of the nation, human development and completion of the task for health recovery.
The purpose of this publication consists in development and refinement of some theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations aimed at organization of regulation of activities of the region’s tourism and recreational complex. The article covers some problems of organization of regulation of activities of the region’s tourism and recreational complex (TRC) to ensure a unified approach to solving of problems related to formation of its optimal mechanism.
Results. The basis for organizational structure of the regional system of regulation of TRC under modern conditions is represented by an integrated marketing concept providing maximum flexibility for decision-making and enabling integration of regional links in the international market space. The concept of multi-level regulation of TRC appears to be a necessary tool for effective development of regional TRC. Unified system of TRC, taking into account its complexity and interdependence, serves as a subject of regulation in this concept. Formation of sustainable relationships is realized through methods of contacts’ management, and the process of formation of rational management solutions in the sphere of TRC regulation is realized through contacts’ management process. The use of means for monitoring and controlling in the area of regulation of activities of the region’s TRC will allow to solve both general and specific tasks as well as to raise the level of validity of adopted decisions, to solve the tasks aimed at ensuring economic security and integration of the region into the global market space.
Conclusions. In the globalized world ensuring economic security predetermines creation of conditions aimed at formation of a competitive market of services within the region’s TRC. Formation of economic security system will allow to identify and to evaluate possible threats and to implement a complex of measures aimed at stabilization of social and economical situation.
We consider it necessary to use for the practical purposes of organization of regulation of activities of the region’s TRC some system controlling and monitoring tools which may encourage its effective integration into the global market space.
Tags: controlling; recreation; tourism; tourism and recreational complex; мониторинг
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