The paper analyzes the economic and environmental and socio-economic indicators of marine economy that make it possible to develop a system for monitoring the regional administration. Grounded connection of regional development and marine activities by improving economic and environmental monitoring.
This article substantiates the necessity of the land relations institutionalization experience studying in some transition economy countries, summarizes positive and negative aspects of the world institutionalization transformation practice of the land tenure during the reformation of the separate spheres of the agrarian production.
The world experience of financial leveling schemes implementation was examined in this article. Due to the generalized methodological and organizational grounds it was made a conclusion about ineffectiveness of transfer computation methods, which function in Ukraine, and the necessity of the state policy reconstruction in financial leveling. World-wide used methodology of expenditures correction for different economic spheres was illustrated, and there were defined some directions of improving simple and complex formulae of transfer calculation. There were suggested the most acceptable variants of financial leveling models for implementation under the modern political-economic conditions of our state.
The method of using images from geostationary satellites to estimate the conditions of plant is developed. A statistical analysis of the dependency of regional mean yield on ten-day NDVI is conducted. An approximating function for predicting yield is constructed. With the example of winter wheat, it is shown that the usage of NDVI is the most informative for the early (May) forecasting.
This state presented the results of grapes productivity calculations of Rubin Tayirovskyy and Zagrey varieties. Three scenarios of agrometeorological conditions were considered. The calculations were performed using the dynamic model of grapes productivity.
Проведен анализ и выполнены расчеты вероятности дат весенних и осенних заморозков. Разработана модель расчета риска повреждения винограда заморозками, которая базируется на учете вероятностей дат заморозков и фаз развития сельскохозяйственных культур. Реализация модели осуществлена на примере Северно-Западного Причерноморья для сортов винограда Аркадия и Загадка.
The quantitative parameter characterizing mesoscale part of available potential energy in frontal zone is proposed. Statistical confirmation links between frontal energy budget and lightning activity are obtained. The results of quality estimation proposed parameter are compared with estimations for other parameters can be use for diagnostic and forecasting convection strength on the atmospheric fronts.
This work contains the results of studies of the statistical structure of the temperature fields of air in the middle troposphere in the western sector of the Southern Hemisphere. It was showed the features of temporal variability of air temperature in the atmosphere. An attempt is made to identify the response of the temperature field in the processes of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Researches are carried out by the methods of multivariate statistical analysis and the theory of stochastic processes.
In this paper examined the biology grapevine leafroller (Lobesia botrana). It is shown a step by step description of building models of this pest. The numerical experiments development of the first generation grapevine leafroller depending on temperature.
Influence of temperature on grain crop emergence is reviewed. The results of numerical experiment of agrometeorological factors influence modeling on water imbibition of seed and coleoptile elongation are represented.
In the article on materials observations floods and flood hydrographs are considered features of transformation flow depending on the size of catchment areas.
Quantity indicators of change of climatic factors and runoff characteristics of Tiligul River on the basis of hydrometeorological supervision are established. There is an increase of air temperatures and minor alteration of precipitation. It is causes reduction of an annual and maximum flow, increase of duration summer-autumnal low water, reduction of the winter low water, change of dates of the ice phenomena appearance.
The paper presents calculations of the values of the water level river Danube software P=1 % (including ice phenomena and wind onset), which are the basis for determining the excess crest dams along the Ukrainian coast.
In the article the short analysis of the state of question in the area of calculations of maximal flow on territory of Mountain Crimea is presented. On the modern information a regional method is specified for the calculation of maximal runoff of rain floods.
In the Pechora sea, according to microbialogic shootings during winter seasons 2002-2005, the analysis of conditions of forming of an abundance of dominant groups winter bacterial plankton is made. Quantitative forms of the expressions bundling performances of groups of bacteria with a uniform complex of а factors, specie are discussed: L and H – coordinates of points in the Pechora sea, ΣBf – biomass fototrophics.
The monthly surface temperature zoning in the Northern Pacific has been obtained with the use of the Universal Cluster Iterative method. The proposed scheme has been verified from both physical and statistical points of view. The results showed the zonal distribution of monthly values over the Pacific Ocean, while meridional deviations were being occurred along the North America coast.
Substantiated method of calculating monthly of layers evaporation from the water surface Tyligulskyi liman using the monthly averages of temperature and relative humidity. Are defined annual, mean multiyear, maximum and minimum layers of evaporation. Found that the annual evaporation layer is 665 mm and the layer exceeds precipitation over 262 mm. Determined that due to precipitation, river inflow and evaporation from the water surface increment of water level in the liman during the period from 1958 to 2012 is minus 4,8 m, that is in the absence of water exchange with the sea through the connecting duct water level Tyligulskyi liman at the end of 2012 would be equal to minus 6,2 m BS.
The evaluated and refined the basic morphometric characteristics Tyligulskyi liman, its parts and the straits to that connect them (length, width, depth, water surface area and volume of water); built: bathymetric map of the liman, the curves of water levels due to the water surface area and volume of water, the profile of the longitudinal and transverse cross-section of the liman and the specific features of the bottom topography.
The paper provides description of variability in thermohaline conditions of the Tyligulskyi Liman lagoon on the basis of field data analysis. It is established that an evident growth trend in salinity of the waters has been observed since 2008. It is shown that in the summer the vertical thermohaline structure of the lagoonal waters can vary significantly depending on meteorological conditions in a year of the present period. This exerts an impact on the oxygen regime of the waters.
The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on surface temperature anomalies over the territory of Ukraine was analyzed, using the method of “composites”. It is shown that the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation determines positive temperature anomalies formation, especially pronounced in the northern and north-western regions of Ukraine in January and February. The typical value of the monthly average temperature anomalies – a few degrees. Moreover, most of these anomalies are significant as the confidence level of 90-95%.
The numerical modeling of the wind waves and the wind-wave currents was performed for the coastal sea water area, which includes the artificial channel connecting the Tiligul’s estuary with the Black Sea. The complex consisting of the spectral wave model and the wind-wave flows numerical hydrodynamic model was used.
In article method of creation of locality digital relief by topography maps are presented.
The paper describes realization of a model of the one-, two- and three-dimensional anisotropic perfectly matched layer in the numerical scheme of the finite-difference time-domain method for reflectionless truncation of a numerical domain in modeling of light propagation in photonic crystal waveguides.
In article requrrent algorithms of adaptation for random signals of hydrometeorology data estimate obtaining are researched.