Year: 2014 / Issue: 17

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  1. Title Page
  2. Pavlenko О. Economic and environmental indicators of regional transformations of maritime economy of Ukraine
  3. Krysak A.I. Land relations institutionalization in transition economy countries: accents and parallels
  4. Feshchenko N. N. Theoretic-methodological grounds of financial leveling
  5. Polevoy A.N., Bozhko L.E., Barsukova E.A. Estimation of changes influence in agro-climatic resources of Ukraine on the formation of spring barley yield
  6. Mykhaylovskyy V., Adamenko T., Kulbida M. Quantitave predictions of yield with the usage sattleite observations
  7. Laysenko G.V. Zhygailo T.S. Simulation modeling of technical grape varieties productivity at different agrometeorological conditions
  8. Ляшенко Г.В., Маринин Е. И. Оценка рисков повреждения винограда весенними и осенними заморозками в Северо-Западном Причерноморье
  9. Pishniak D.V., Ivus G.P., Shpyg V.M. Mesoscale available potential energy of frontal zone as a characteristic of its convection and thunderstorm activity
  10. Sobchenko A.Y. Features of statistical structure of air temperature fields in free atmosphere in the western sector of Southern hemisphere
  11. Mouradian O.L. Features modeling of grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana) on grapes plant
  12. Dyulger M. Dynamics of forming of increases of different levels of productivity of crop millet in Central forest-steppe
  13. Sinitsyna V. Modeling of temperature influence on grain crops emergence
  14. Gopchenko E.D., Romanchuk M.E., Traskova A.V., Grushkovskaya I.O. About the features of the maximum reduction modules rainfall floods and spring floods depending on the size of river basins
  15. Loboda N.S., Bozhok Y.V., Kuza A.N. Changes of climatic factors and runoff characteristics of Tiligul River under the influence of global warming
  16. Kulibabin O.G. Estimated mark protective structures at the site river Danube (from Reni to Vilkovo)
  17. Gopchenko E.D., Ovcharuk V.A., Todorova O.I. Maximal runoff of the rain floods of Mountain Crimea rivers
  18. Bardan S.I., Serbov N.G. Fractals in biogeographically regularities defining forming of structure bacterial community of the winter plankton on example of the Pechora sea
  19. Serga E.M., Ruban I.G., Rudich O.S. Climate zoning of monthly surface temperature in the North Pacific during winter
  20. Grib O. Evaluation of evaporation from the water surface in an area Tyligulskyi liman
  21. Grib O. Evaluation of morphometric characteristics and bottom topography Tyligulskyi liman and their features
  22. Tuchkovenko Y.S., Adobovskiy V.V., Tuchkovenko O.A. Characteristics of variability in thermohaline conditions of the Tyligulskyi Liman lagoon in the present period
  23. Polonsky A., Bragina O., Kibalchich I. Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on wind surface temperature anomalies over the territory of Ukraine in cold season
  24. Sakhnenko O. I., Tuchkovenko Yu. S. Numerical modeling of the wind-wave dynamics of water in coastal area near the Tiligul estuary
  25. Limonov A.S., Perelygin B.V., Pustovit T.M. Procession of locality digital relief creation method by topography maps
  26. Lavrinenko A.V., Lavrinenko Y.V. Creation of anisotropic perfectly matched layer in time-domain
  27. Limonov A.S., Pustovit T.M., Limonov A.A. Estimation of hydrometeorology random signals of digital data with using requrrent algorithms of adaptation


Authors: Pavlenko О.
Pages: 5-12
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Authors: Krysak A.I.
Pages: 13-19
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Authors: Feshchenko N. N.
Pages: 20-33
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Authors: Polevoy A.N., Bozhko L.E., Barsukova E.A.
Pages: 34-45
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Authors: Mykhaylovskyy V., Adamenko T., Kulbida M.
Pages: 46-50
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Authors: Laysenko G.V. Zhygailo T.S.
Pages: 51-58
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Authors: Ляшенко Г.В., Маринин Е. И.
Pages: 59-66
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Authors: Pishniak D.V., Ivus G.P., Shpyg V.M.
Pages: 67-77
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Authors: Sobchenko A.Y.
Pages: 78-88
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Authors: Mouradian O.L.
Pages: 89-93
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Authors: Dyulger M.
Pages: 94-100
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Authors: Sinitsyna V.
Pages: 101-108
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Authors: Gopchenko E.D., Romanchuk M.E., Traskova A.V., Grushkovskaya I.O.
Pages: 109-115
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Authors: Loboda N.S., Bozhok Y.V., Kuza A.N.
Pages: 116-127
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Authors: Kulibabin O.G.
Pages: 128-132
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Authors: Gopchenko E.D., Ovcharuk V.A., Todorova O.I.
Pages: 133-140
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Authors: Bardan S.I., Serbov N.G.
Pages: 141-156
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Authors: Serga E.M., Ruban I.G., Rudich O.S.
Pages: 157-172
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Authors: Grib O.
Pages: 173-184
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Authors: Grib O.
Pages: 185-196
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Authors: Tuchkovenko Y.S., Adobovskiy V.V., Tuchkovenko O.A.
Pages: 197-204
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Authors: Polonsky A., Bragina O., Kibalchich I.
Pages: 205-213
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Authors: Sakhnenko O. I., Tuchkovenko Yu. S.
Pages: 214-223
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Authors: Limonov A.S., Perelygin B.V., Pustovit T.M.
Pages: 224-231
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Authors: Lavrinenko A.V., Lavrinenko Y.V.
Pages: 232-241
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Authors: Limonov A.S., Pustovit T.M., Limonov A.A.
Pages: 242-249
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