Authors: Bogatova Yu.I.
Year: 2016
Issue: 20
Pages: 61-68
Based on monitoring data analysis, the characteristics of the contemporary hydrochemical regime of the formerly closed Kuyalnik Liman, a valuable balneological and recreational object, were compared before and after its connection with the sea (2014-2015). Data showed that filling of the liman with seawater has not worsened its hydrochemical conditions because the content of nutrients (compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon), determining the biological productivity of the basin, is significantly lower in seawater than in the brine of the liman. After the liman’s recharge by seawater, active development of intrabasin production processes was registered during the warm period, resulting in the formation of autochthonous organic matter (phytoplankton) from which some therapeutic mud will be formed in the future. The input of anthropogenic and natural sources of nutrients in formation of the hydrochemical conditions of the liman was also estimated. In the liman main sources of nutrients were represented by seawater (about 9 mln. m3 during 4 months) – dissolved organic compounds of nitrogen and mineral phosphorus and by atmospheric precipitation (about 16.5 mln. m3 during 11 months in 2015) – dissolved mineral compounds of nitrogen (nitrates) and silicon. Up to 132,000 t of sodium chloride, comprising no more than 1.6 % of the total salt resources of the liman, entered the liman with seawater. The regulated runoff of Bolshoy Kuyalnik river has a low influence on the hydrochemical regime of the liman. The anthropogenic sources of untreated sewage from the adjacent territories containing the ultra-high concentrations of nitrogen (Korsunsovsky ponds) and phosphorus (Luzanovka ponds) mineral compounds have a local influence on the ecosystem, e.g. have relatively low water input.
Tags: hydrochemical regime; Kuyalnik liman; natural and anthropogenic sources; seawater
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