Authors: Gopchenko E.D., Shakirzanova Zh.R., Medvedeva Y.S., Burukova M.M.
Year: 2016
Issue: 20
Pages: 52-60
Introduction. During last decades, because of decrease of the area of land irrigation, volumes of water intake from the Katlabuh reservoir also significantly decreased and pumping of water from the Danube River stopped at all. All this caused deterioration of water quality. In particular, the salinity of the Katlabuh Lake in recent years exceeds by 2–2,5 times permissible rates for drinking and irrigation water.
Purpose. The purpose consists in analyzing physical and geographic, morphometric, hydrological, hydraulic characteristics of the Katlabuh lake and rivers feeding it; calculation of water balance components of the Katlabuh lake in 2007-2014.
Methods. Well-known statistical methods are used to analyze available materials of observations for calculation of water balance components. Regional methods and effective regulatory documents are used to determine unknown water balance components. The method of water balance is one of fundamental scientific approaches with respect to research of hydrological regime of reservoirs, lakes and ponds.
Results. Results show that precipitation on the water surface of the lake and supply of water from the Danube River flowing by gravity form, to a significant extent, an input portion of water balances. As for loss of water balances it is worth to note that evaporation constitutes the largest percentage with water discharges to the Danube River coming after it. During summer months the water from the Katlabuh Lake supports levels of the system of lakes Lung – Safyan. The values of discrepancies of water balances in 2007-2014 fall within the limits of accuracy of the source information.
Conclusion. The purpose of further developments with regard to the Katlabuh Lake consists in calculation of salinity balances on the basis of water balances which will provide an opportunity to verify accuracy of performed calculations.
Tags: discrepancies; evaporation; groundwater feed; infiltration; lateral inflow; precipitation; water balance
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