Authors: Iliushin V.Ya.
Year: 2013
Issue: 15
Pages: 165-176
The mechanism of forming of mixing area is studied. It was found that for fully natural conditions the hydromechanic approach is unproductive. Today the hydrological method to study the mixing areas of river and marine coastal waters in estuarine is preferable. The proposed hypotheses about water cycle including untraditional ones are confirmed by the analysis of connections between hydraulic descriptions in the strait of the Kinburn.
Tags: correlation; halocline; marine and estuary water masses; zero speed surface
- Кейлеган Д. Г. Механизм образования неподвижного клина соленой воды. ///- В сб. Гидродинамика береговой зоны и эстуариев. Под ред А.Т. Иппена, -Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1970. -394 с.