Authors: Ivus G.P., Ahayar E.V., Semergei-Chumachenko А.В., Dmytrenko A.P.
Year: 2017
Issue: 21
Pages: 29-38
Identification and forecasting of jet streams within at low levels of the atmosphere is one of the challenging tasks of synoptic meteorology. The reason for such difficulties lies in diversity of physical mechanisms causing increased air flow speed in a narrow zone within the boundary layer of the atmosphere.
Specification of the type of macro- and mesoscale baric fields which contribute to formation of low jets can greatly facilitate development of forecasting techniques.
According to radiosonde data low jets in warm half-years of 2001-2010 were detected over two locations (Odessa and Simferopol). Once estimate of their structural parameters had been complete a prevailing wind direction at a stream core and a type of temperature stratification with a studied wind anomaly in place were determined.
Synoptic situations over the territory of south-western Ukraine taking into account the elementary circulation mechanisms proposed by B. L. Dzerdzeevsky, V. M. Kurganskaya and Z. M. Vitvitskaya.were standardized.
A catalogue bringing all the information about structure and conditions of formation of low streams together was developed and compiled.
Circulation processes of warm half-year over the regions in question were characterized as such that favour formation of low-level jet streams.
The most probable macroscale atmospheric processes and types of synoptic situations which create conditions for formation of the most intense low-tropospheric jets over the south-western part of Ukraine were singled out taking into consideration physical and geographical features of research locations.
Tags: elementary circulation mechanism; intensity; lower-level jet streams; standardizing; synoptic processes; интенсивность; интенсивность; синоптические процессы; синоптические процессы; струйные течение нижних уровней; струйные течение нижних уровней; типизация; типизация; элементарный циркуляционный механизм; элементарный циркуляционный механизм
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