Authors: Bogatova Yu.I., Sekundak L.Yu., Kirsanova E.V.
Year: 2017
Issue: 21
Pages: 78-85
The article describes the quality of the aquatic environment of Khadzhibeyskyi Liman (one of the largest closed reservoirs of the north-western Black Sea region) based on the analysis of the results of hydrochemical studies conducted in July 2016. This is a valuable balneological, recreational and fishery reservoir whose southern part has been accepting sewage water from Odessa for over 100 years. According to hydrochemical indicators ecosystem of the southern part of the liman is characterized as eutrophic with a high level of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds caused by anthropogenic discharge from the Severnaya Biological Treatment Station. High concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (0.100 mgN·m-3), nitrites (0.102 mgN·dm-3) and maximum Liman’s concentration of nitrates (1.629 mgN·dm-3) were discovered in the surface layer near the functioning discharge of the Biological Treatment Station with high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (0.772 mgN·dm-3) and phosphates (0.457 mgP·dm-3) observed in the near-bottom layer.
During monitoring near-bottom hypoxia was recorded at the stations with a depth of 8–12 m. It developed after settling and decomposition of dead suspended organic matter (phytoplankton) under conditions of slow hydrodynamics. Maximum Liman’s concentrations of ammonium nitrogen, phosphates and silicon were observed in the Liman’s near-bottom layer at the stations with hypoxia.
Liman’s bottom sediments perform a cumulative function and determine the intensity of substance flows at the “water-bottom sediments” border, have influence on its hydrochemical regime. Concentrations of mineral and organic substances in bottom sediments’ pore water are several times higher than the ones in the Liman’s near-bottom layer, especially at the stations with hypoxia.
Tags: anthropogenic discharge; biogenic substances; bottom sediments; hydrochemical regime; Khadzhibeyskyi Liman; антропогенные стоки; антропогенные стоки; биогенные вещества; биогенные вещества; гидрохимический режим; гидрохимический режим; донные отложения; донные отложения; Хаджибейский лиман; Хаджибейский лиман
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