Authors: Naumov M.M.
Year: 2010
Issue: 09
Pages: 63-72
The longperiods dynamic pattern of growth of general dry biomass of agricultural cultures is offered, in a basis which the equalization of logistic curve, based on supposition about the swaying processes of biological time of plants in ontogenesis, lies to. The period of vibrations of biological time and amplitude of vibrations are wholly and fully determined by tension of factors of external environment. Research of model is conducted and positive estimation of its adequacy is got to the real object of researches. It is accounted for the fact of parabolic dependence of growth of biomass from the state of tension of factors of external environment. Differential equalization of vibrations of biological time in ontogenesis of plants is given.
Tags: biological time; development; factors of environment; growth; logistic curve; oscillation; productivity; sunflower
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