Authors: Gopchenko Е., Ovcharuk V., Romanchuk М.
Year: 2017
Issue: 21
Pages: 49-55
Introduction. The article substantiates the methodological basis for the valuation of the design characteristics
of extremely high water discharges of spring flood and storm floods, which pose a great dangers for hydraulic
structures and their use in river basins, as well as settlements. During the construction of engineering
structures and their operation (bridges, flood protection dams and others) planners are orienting generally the
size and flood excess probability. Given the large number of proposed theoretical models for determination of
floods characteristics made they suitable for classification. To different categories include: a formula related to
the original model in the form of geometric shapes, method of riverbeds isochrones and the limit intensity formula.Purpose. The authors of the theoretically justify a single structural basis for the full range of catchments areas
of rivers regardless of genetic types of floods. The difference concerns only the size of the watershed.Methods. The scientific and methodological base is based on the use of the geometric structure of singlemodal
hydrographs of slope inflow and channel flow. In order to simplify the calculation scheme, hydrographs
are considered in an extended time format, starting with the maximum water discharge. This, in turn, facilitates
the spatiotemporal generalization of the characteristics of both the slope influx and the hydrographs of the
channel flow.Results. The results of research related to improving the scientific and methodical base for the valuation of
the design characteristics of a maximum runoff of rain and spring floods are represented.Given that the formulas of maximum runoff based on models of slope and riverbed hydrographs, it suggest
that there are need not only the riverbed data, but and data of slope influx. In this case, researchers have
trouble with determination of parameters such as the duration of the slope inflow and maximum modules of
runoff.Shown that formulas to calculate and regulation of maximum runoff characteristics can be obtained on the
basis of direct analysis of single-modal runoff hydrograph..Conclusion. As a model authors are using the geometric schematization of single-modal hydrographs of
slope and channel runoff. The calculation method proposed by the authors, In contrast to the many known,
differs limited number of parameters and bringing it to the level of practical use.Attention is drawn to the fact that the method has not limitations in terms of genetic types of flood, as well
as the size of the watershed.
Tags: hydrograph of riverbed runoff; maximum flow; rain floods; slope inflow; spring floods; весеннее половодье; весеннее половодье; дождевые паводки; дождевые паводки; максимальный сток; максимальный сток; русловой гидрограф; русловой гидрограф; склоновый приток; склоновый приток
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