Authors: Dzham О.А., Danylyuk I.V.
Year: 2017
Issue: 21
Pages: 56-65
Problem. The Western Bug is a cross-border river which makes it to be an interesting object for research. Dynamics of the state of the basin system is clearly observed through seasonal and perennial fluctuations of concentrations of components of river water’s salt composition. Therefore, the study of the current environmental state of geosystem is based on inves-tigating hydrochemical flow of substance.
Purpose. The purpose consists in establishment of hydro-chemical parameters of water resources’ quality and its changes in the Western Bug basin over 2011-2014.
Methods of research. Change of concentrations of chemical ingredients in the Western Bug water was determined via the method of comparison of water chemical composition at the river stations. Time dynamics is represented using graphical methods.
Basic results of research. Data of basic statistical characteristics were structured with regard to investigated chemical parameters of water across the stations, their spatial distribution along the Western Bug and its tributaries. The dynamics of the main hydro-chemical ingredients in the Western Bug over 2011-2014 was also analyzed. In particular, the time concentration changes of BOD5, COD, nitrates, nitrites, saline ammonia, sulfates, phosphates, chlorides were determined across the riverbed of the Western Bug. Conduction of comparative analysis of concentrations of components of salt composition of river water at the specified station also took place. Qualitative characteristics of runoff of chemical compounds in waters of the Western Bug from the territory of Ukraine were obtained. The influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the formation of chemical composition and quality of river water of the Western Bug basin were identified and investigated.
Conclusions. According to the hydrologic and ecological research during 2011-2014 the stations of Lviv region are characterized by considerable excess of pollutants’ content at when compared with established state standards. The reason for this phenomenon consist in ineffective operation of the system of sewage treatment facilities in Lviv region that needs modernization and implementation of new envi-ronmental technologies.
Tags: basin of the Western Bug river; dynamics of state of basin system; hydro-chemical properties of water; quality of surface waters; sources of pollution; бассейн р. Западный Буг; бассейн р. Западный Буг; гидрохимия воды; гидрохимия воды; динамика состояния бассейновой системы; динамика состояния бассейновой системы; источники загрязнения; источники загрязнения; качество поверхностных вод; качество поверхностных вод
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