Authors: Safranov T.A., Prykhodko V.Yu., Shanina T.P.
Year: 2017
Issue: 21
Pages: 5-14
The article presents an overview of the most used methods for calculation of the landfill gas emission and/or its components from the municipal solid waste disposal sites. Landfill gas is a product of anaerobic decomposition of organic part of municipal solid waste and consists of two main greenhouse gases – methane and carbon dioxide. The first calculating method observed in the paper is National multicomponent Model, which is used in National Inventories of greenhouse gases in Ukraine. Other models are the IPCC Model and LandGEM Model. It was shown, that National Model is based on the IPCC Model and includes some elements from LandGEM Model in type adapted to Ukrainian condition.
On the basis of critical analysis of models we describe their advantages, disadvantages and the possibility of synthesis. National Model accounts more municipal solid waste components than other models. But LandGEM Model allows making calculation not only for methane, but also for another greenhouse gases. All of models, presented in the paper, operate with similar sets of parameters, so they can be interchangeable.
The adaptation of the models to the conditions of Odessa region is presented. The set of modeling parameters for Odessa region conditions is formed on the basis of particular re-searches and own calculations. In particular we received the mean of the methane correction factor as a weighted average for all disposal sites in the region. The results of calculations of greenhouse gases emissions from disposal the annual volume of municipal solid waste at landfills and dumps are shown. According to the results we can recommend to use the National model for making calculation of methane emission from waste disposal sites.
Tags: emission; Greenhouse gases; Methane; municipal solid waste; метан; модель; Парниковые газы; эмиссия
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