Hydroenvironmental problems of Krasnoznamensky reservoir in Odesskaya oblast and possible ways of their decision

Authors: Igoshyn, N.I., O.I. Curkan, and L.I. Igoshyna

Year: 2007

Issue: 04

Pages: 302-312


The analysis of a modern ecological situation of a small river-bed reservoir of complex purpose is made on the basis of hydrological, topographical, hydro-geological, engineering-geological researches with application of calculated and cartographical methods. The main factors of a crisis ecological situation of the system “the river Small Kuyalnyk – Krasnoznamensky reservoir ” are highlighted and the information about the borders of a water-security zone of the reservoir behind the belts of management is given. Quantitative characteristics of silting of the reservoir are received and new conditions on clearing of the reservoir from bottom sediments are worked out. Some ways of renewal, protection and improvement of an ecological situation and reconstruction of water resources of the reservoir are offered.

Tags: bottom sediments; ecological situation; filtration; silting; water protection zone


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