The state, problems and prospect of tourism development in Ukraine at the modern point level

Authors: Pavlenko, H., and Ahmad Numer

Year: 2008

Issue: 05

Pages: 42-49


The onrush of the international tourism enabled this field to take well-deserved place among leading three key industries of the world economy. Ukraine’s contribution is rather modest despite its significant tourist resources potential. The main problem is a low quality of the tourist product: the infrastructure of the tourism is not developed enough, the rendered tourist services do not correspond to the international requirement;, the State policy in the field of tourism is imperfect. A purposeful and systematic activity in development of the international relationships in tourism and its Euro integral course – what could be the powerful mechanism for creation of the favourable environment for tourism development, effective utilization of the tourist resources, promotion of the national tourist product on the world market, development of the national economy and culture.

Tags: competitiveness; effectiveness; infrastructure of the tourism; tourism; tourist product; tourist resources potential


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