Results of adaptation of the Delft3D-FLOW model to the conditions of the Tyligulskyi estuary

Authors: Tuchkovenko Yu. S., Kushnir D.

Year: 2014

Issue: 18

Pages: 164-174


Results of adaptation, calibration and validation of the hydrodynamic model based on the open-source software Delft3D-FLOW to the conditions of the Tyligulskyi estuary are given. It is shown that the model correctly describes the variability of the thermohaline structure of waters in the estuary during spring-summer warming period with the use of field data for the 2010 and 2012. Between May and August 2010, a firmly established seasonal thermocline lasted throughout the computational period; in 2012, there was a significant weakening of the thermocline in May and June and to the beginning of August a quasi-homogeneous vertical thermal structure of waters was formed. A conclusion is made about the possibility of using the model for applications related to the development of the hydro-ecological management plan of the estuary.

Tags: modelling; the North-Western Black Sea Region; the Tyligulskyi estuary; thermohaline structure of waters


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