Authors: Tuchkovenko Yu. S., Sapko O. Yu.
Year: 2017
Issue: 22
Pages: 5-13
The assessment has been done on the base of the analysis of the data obtained in the last decade on indicators of water quality of the most problematic coastal anthropogenic sources impact causing the coastal water pollution near the city of Odessa (namely, of the activated sludge plant (ASP) “Severnaia” (Nothern) as well as of the marine discharges of drainage and storm waters) and of the changes that took place within XXI century. Consequently, the following conclusions were drawn. As a result of a significant decrease in the volume of municipal sewage, the amount of suspended and organic substances, ammonium nitrogen, supplied by ASP “Severnaya” into the water environment, has decreased, whereas the quantity of nitrites and nitrates significantly has increased. Therefore, the purification technology and equipment used by the activated sludge plant (ASP) “Severnaya” needs to be modernized urgently. Along with the tendency to quality improving of the municipal sewage coming to the coastal sea area through the drainage system, one can find out too that there are cases of illegal discharge of domestic waste water into it. The uncontrolled flow of contaminated sewage through storm water drain outflows leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of sea water not only in the areas of the discharges names above, but also negatively affects the ecological situation in the entire coastal recreational zone of Odessa. Due to the illegal connections of physical and legal entities to the storm water drainage system for discharging domestic sewage, the quality of the water in the areas of storm drain outflows may deteriorate to the level of unpurified sewage waters. One can observe too that there continues to be a water discharge flow through storm water drain system even if there is no rainfalls or atmospheric fallouts. As a consequence, the actions were set to realize the aim of reducing negative influence of drainage and stormwater drainage on the quality of sea water in the coastal recreational zone of the city.
Tags: anthropogenic pollution impact sources; Odessa region; the Black Sea; антропогенні джерела забруднення; антропогенні джерела забруднення; Одеський район; Одеський район; Чорне море; Чорне море
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