Zones of interactions within the near-surfase layer of the atmosphere in North Atlantic. November

Authors: Serga E. N., Serga I. N.

Year: 2017

Issue: 22

Pages: 30-38


To reveal the zones of active interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean in the North Atlantic and to determine the regions causing a significant impact on formation of features of climatic response regimes in the Eastern Europe methods of cluster and component analysis were applied as influencing factors representing characteristics of heat and moisture exchange in the near-surface layer before including them in the imitation model.

Each node of a greed grid of 2,5º  2,5º of the North Atlantic identifies the first three main components describing more than 80% of the total dispersion of the processes of interaction between the underlying surface and the adjacent layer of the atmosphere.

Homogeneous regions were defined in the fields of the main components of the vectors of state of meteorological characteristics in the near-surface layer of the atmosphere in the North Atlantic using the Universal iterative method of data clustering. The article includes a physical and statistical analysis of obtained clustering schemes having a good scientific justification. It shows that the clusters of the first main component have a large-scale nature while the second and third components are of a focal character. Clusters are characterized by the intensity of the processes of interactions in the near-surface layer. The intensity of such processes is characterized by the distribution and values of the weight loads, the mean values of representative vectors and the intracluster dispersion. It determines that the first main component makes the main contribution to the formation of the most of initial meteorological values and the third main component reflects the influence of local features on the interaction processes.

Tags: air temperature; atmosphere; cluster; latent heat fluxes; main component; representative vector; weight load; атмосфера; атмосфера; вагове навантаження; вагове навантаження; головна компонента; головна компонента; кластер; кластер; приховані потоки тепла; приховані потоки тепла; репрезентативний вектор; репрезентативний вектор; температура повітря; температура повітря


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