Measuring velocity and rotating direction of a cyclonic eddy by means of meteorological radiolocation stations with a circular polarization antenna

Authors: Korban V.Kh., Degtyaryeva L.N., Korban S.N.

Year: 2009

Issue: 07

Pages: 77-90


The possibility of measuring radio-location descriptions of a tropical typhoon by means of a meteorological radio-locator with a double-threaded Archimedean spiral antenna and circular polarization is given consideration in the paper. It is shown that a progressing wave emitted by the antenna moves on the same spiral that an aquatic particle in a typhoon does. It allows not only to detect the beginning of a typhoon genesis, to continuously get radio-location information on the trends in its progress and movement data but also measure the speed of rotation of the typhoon spiral.

Tags: dipole moment; magnetic field of the Earth; spiral antenna; tropical typhoon


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