Authors: Лобода Н. С., Пилип’юк В. В.
Year: 2017
Issue: 22
Pages: 69-79
In the given work the actual scientific and methodical questions of the estimation of the influence of modern changes of climatic characteristics on the formation of structural hydrochemical composition of surface waters and indicators of river water quality were investigated.
The basis of the calculations is the research of changes in the basic hydrochemical parameters (chlorine ions, sodium, magnesium, iron, silicon, and also concentrations of oxygen dissolved in water, phosphates, nitrites, nitrates, mineralization) of the water of the Psyol and Vorskla rivers and quantitative estimates of the suitability of the water of given rivers for the main ways of water usage.
The main pollutants were also identified, the degree of pollution of water by individual chemicals in the form of multiplicity of exceeding the normative maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) was estimated and the relation between the level of pollution of the river and the existing abiotic factors of the aquatic ecosystems is shown.
The tendency towards reduction of water resources according to the climate scenario A1B is determined as well as growth of air temperatures during the warm and cold time of the year. Inter-connection of these factors with processes of water quality formation is shown. The obtained results showed the existence of important connections between the above-described climatic and hydrological factors as well as hydrochemical and qualitative characteristics of the surface mode of water bodies of the Dnipro river.
The scientific value of obtained results is particularly valuable because the studied watercourses (the Psyol and Vorskla rivers) have a transboundary status and a special mode for the usage of quantitative and qualitative indicators of their aquatic and biological resources within the limits of international environmental legislation.
Tags: changes of temperature conditions; concentration of pollutants; water content changes; water quality indicators; зміни водності; зміни водності; зміни температурного режиму; зміни температурного режиму; концентрации загрязняющих веществ; концентрации загрязняющих веществ; концентрації забруднюючих речовин; концентрації забруднюючих речовин; показатели качества воды; показатели качества воды; показники якості води; показники якості води
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