Dynamical chaos in highly excited states of rydberg atoms in an external field on example of Rb and Kolmogorov-Arnol’d-Mozer theorem

Authors: Ignatenko, А.V., V.M. Ignatenko, S.S. Seredenko, and V.I. Gura

Year: 2008

Issue: 05

Pages: 244-249


Dynamical chaos in Rb atom in the highly-excited state in the external low-frequency electromagnetic field is studied within consistent non-perturbative quantum-mechanical approach -quasistationary quasienergy states method. The quantitative analysis of the quantum fluctuations, stabilization and destabilization effects, the fractal properties availibility and the Kolmogorov-Arnol’d-Mozer theorem fulfilling is presented.

Tags: dynamical chaos; external field; Kolmogorov-Arnol’d-Mozer theorem; Rydberg atom in highly-excited state


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