Authors: Polonsky A.B., Torbinsky A.V., Basharin D.V.
Year: 2008
Issue: 06
Pages: 181-197
The quantitative estimation of the impact from three large scale interannual atmosphere-ocean circulation systems, namely the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), El-Nino South Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), to spatial-temporal variability of air surface temperature (AST) and surface pressure (SP) in the Mediterranean-Black sea region has been obtained. It was confirmed that the spatial-temporal variability of the first two empirical modes of AST and SP during the autumn-winter season is affected by the NAO. The ENSO is mainly pronounced in the second AST EOF mode in July-August and November-December. The joint influence of all three oscillations is most remarkable during January-February. During those months the NAO, ENSO and IOD contribute about 60% in the total temperature dispersion and more than 40% in the total pressure dispersion.
Tags: air temperature; ENSO; NAO; pressure; variability; ИОД; регион
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