Peculiarities of forecasts of interannual variability of maximum average daily wind speed of wind in Kirovohrad which are resistant to time shifts in future

Authors: A.A. Shidlovskaya, A.V. Holoptsev

Year: 2012

Issue: 13

Pages: 112-123


On the example of interannual changes of maximum average daily wind speeds in Kirovograd, which took place here in November, December, January, February and March from 1973 till 2008., it is shown that the use as arguments forecasting multiply-regressive models of this combination process of factors that ensure their optimum by criterion of maximum stability to time shifts in future, permits to have forecasts that can be appropriate and effective unless major changes in its main regularities occur.

Tags: correlation; global climate indices; maximum average daily speed; optimization; prediction; resistance to time shifts in future; the dynamics of a multiple-regression model


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