Three-dimensional structure of air streams within meso-α baroclinic zones – experimental research of motion and its modeling by the method of discrete vortices

Authors: Ivus, G.P., O.N. Hrushevsky, and A.Ye. Yeshanu

Year: 2008

Issue: 05

Pages: 112-121


(part I)
In-situ observations and mesoscale analysis on the structure of vorticity related to an atmospheric front.

Based on dropsounding data, structure of a vortex field within a frontal zone belonging to the atmospheric boundary layer is considered. It is shown on the level of quality consent that the character of isentropic motion in the horizontal and vertical planes reflects the specialties of cinematic structure of the wind field within an atmospheric front.

Tags: field of relative vorticity within a frontal zone; mesoscale data; vertical cross-sections of the fields of potential temperature and vorticity


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