Testing of parameterizations of turbulence of the boundary layer of the atmosphere over the ocean surface

Authors: Ivanova E. V.

Year: 2017

Issue: 22

Pages: 45-60


The article is devoted to testing of parameterizations of turbulent processes in the atmospheric boundary layer on the basis of different methods of closure of differentiation equations system over the ocean surface which is currently used in numerical weather forecast models. These methods include models from the first up to 1.5th closure orders. The models of the first order closure include those having diagnostic equations for turbulence coefficients which were obtained from the models of high order closure requiring use of kinetic energy of turbulent vertical velocity fluctuations subject to availability of a stable boundary layer of the atmosphere. Verification of successful use of turbulence parameterization schemes is made on the basis of actual material consisting of the annual sample data of standard meteorological and aerological observations conducted during the first global experiment on the ocean station “C” in 1978-1979. Quantitative fit with field data was evaluated using coefficients of correlation and difference for each of the seasons and for the whole year. Qualitative analysis was carried out on the basis of comparison of averaged profiles for each month of the year and the time course of meteorological values at reference levels.

The work includes check of reproduction of vertical profiles of wind speed and air temperature modulus in the atmospheric surface layer. Characteristics of the latter are obtained using the parameterization of Kazakov-Lykosov which implies merging of universal functions of Businger-Dyer to avoid rupture of the latter when dealing with cases of unstable stratification.

Tags: boundary layer; meteorological values; one-dimensional model; order of closure; parameterization; turbulence; граничний шар; граничний шар; метеорологічні величини; метеорологічні величини; одновимірна модель; одновимірна модель; параметризация; параметризация; порядок замикання; порядок замикання; турбулентність; турбулентність


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