Authors: Melnyk, S.
Year: 2006
Issue: 02
Pages: 192-199
Lines of averages for a month and averages for a year of charges of the weighed deposits on the inflows of Dnestr which are flowing down with a height of Carpathias are restored. On the basis of statistical processing lines of supervision two dependences are received. The first allows determining average for many years the charge of the weighed deposits on the rivers where supervision over a drain of deposits were not ordered, but there are supervision over the charge of water. The second, on the basis of calculation of the order of the river on system of A. Shaydegger, allows to determine average for many years the charge of the weighed deposits on not investigated rivers where no supervision were ordered.
Tags: inflows of Dnestr; system of A. Shaydegger; the charge of the weighed deposits; the equations of regress
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