About the Journal


ISSN: 2311-0899

Founder and  Publisher: Odessa State Environmental University, Odessa, Ukraine

Serial title:

Vìsnik Odesʹkogo deržavnogo ekologìčnogo unìversitetu

Abbreviated title:   Vìsn. Odes. derž. ekol. unìv.

English title: Bulletin of Odessa State Environmental University, (abbreviated: Bull. of OSENU) 

Authors’ benefits:

  • Free publication of articles and free posting of their soft copies on the Internet.
  • Opportunity to submit articles in one of the following languages: Ukrainian, English or Russian.
  • Publication frequency – at least twice a year.
  • Opportunity to submit soft copies of articles from any part of the world.
  • Compliance of journal’s printed copies to the relevant international standards.
  • Attention of the editorial staff to all authors and readiness to communicate.
  • Emailing of proofread articles.
  • No certificates of appraisal enabling open publication of submitted material are required.

The Editorial Board is currently working on indexing of the articles through the leading scientific databases and abstracting services.

Journal’s subject matter:

The journal publishes yet unpublished articles and articles not submitted for publication to any other publishing houses that contain original results of experimental or theoretical research in the areas of the university’s research studies: ecology and environmental protection, management of environmental protection, environmental economics, information technologies in the area of ecology and hydrometeorology, meteorology, agricultural meteorology, hydrology, oceanography and marine nature management, hydrography, social and humanitarian sciences, as well as scientific and methodological articles on teaching and learning activities at higher educational establishments.

The journal covers the following sections:

  • Environmental Protection;
  • Management and Environmental Economics;
  • Meteorology, Climatology and Agricultural Meteorology;
  • Hydrology and Hydroecology;
  • Oceanography and Marine Nature Management;
  • Basic Sciences;
  • Geoinformational and Technical Environmental Monitoring Systems;
  • Social and Humanitarian Sciences

Submitted materials are subject to peer review.

Editorial Board Address: 15 Lvivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine 65016, Odessa State Environmental University,

Editorial board of the scientific  journal “Bulletin of Odessa State Environmental University”

Editor-in-Chief:   Khokhlov Valeriy Mykolaiovych

Phone:   (0482)-32-67-62

E-mail:  metod1@odeku.edu.ua

Executive Secretary: Marunych Olexandra Ivanivna

Phone:   (0482)-32-67-58

E-mail: redactor11@ukr.net & redactor@odeku.edu.ua