The approbating of an atmospheric boundary layer model with the Wangara experiment data

Authors: Kazakov А.L., Ivanova Е.V.

Year: 2010

Issue: 10

Pages: 97-111


The approbating of an atmospheric boundary layer one-dimensional numerical model to reproduce its thermodynamic structure over land at some ones of twenty four hours, was made. The model equations system, firstly, with different closuring orders, secondly, with the different closuring methods, was closured. There are such models amongst the firstorder ones, in which the diagnostic equations of the turbulent coefficients from higher-order scheme [1], in which it was demanded to use the kinetic turbulent energy of the vertical velocity fluctuations on the condition, that the stable boundary layer was, were received. Twelve experiments were conducted in all. The detail analysis of the qualitative and quantitative agreement between the model results and fact data, was made.

Tags: "b-l" and "b- ε " closures; the boundary layer; the coefficients of difference and correlation; the mixing length; the one-dimensional model; the thermodynamic structure; the turbulence


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